Learn About The Types Of Sports Protective Wear

By Dorothy Murphy

Chances of injuries in any sport can never be ignored. In almost everyone, there are instances when their opponent hits them with the ball or just fall from the runs. Such injuries may affect sensitive parts of the body including the head, legs, knees, the mouth just naming but a few. It is important that one learns about the types of sports protective wear suitable for any sport they engage in.

These gears are designed to protect the different parts of the body. The head is normally made safe by wearing a helmet which minimizes and at best protects potential head injuries like fractured skulls and brain injuries. In sporting acts like cycling, boxing, and rugby one cannot take part without this gear. The gear is designed to shield one from a given force depending on the sport.

Another possible risk part of the body that need protection is the face and to be precise the mouth. An accident occurring will end up injuring the lips, gums, the tongue and even lead to cracked jaws. Such injuries are very common in sports that are physical and involve frequent contacts such as football, soccer, rugby, and boxing. To keep away from such a mouth guard is normally recommended.

Pads and guards are another kind of protective gears that are very useful in protective sports mostly rugby and soccer. The pads usually help in minimizing or protecting the neck, chest, elbows and shoulders from injuries mainly from hard impacts. The guards are made from either hard plastic or the soft padding. The variation is due to the sport that one is involved with since different sport will have its degree of injuries that are anticipated.

The kind of guards available are categorized depending on the sport played and the body part to be protected. For the shin which is very exposed in soccer and cricket, there is a shin guard. The knee guard protects the knee joint and the cartilage from the probable dangers. Other kinds include the elbow guard that protects the elbow from injuries, the one for the shoulder and much more.

Protective clothing and wears are unique forms of protection that are often used in on-field sports like soccer and rugby. The clothes worn are usually designed with cushioning on their sides to protect those wearing from injuries especially from falling. The feet are normally protected with well-designed foot wears. The cycling shoes, for example, protect the heels and enables one to cycle faster.

Some sports need one to be very effective with their eyesight. These sport include cycling, surfing, and skiing. Any objects into the eyes or any sharp rays of light may be destructive causing accidents. This can be prevented by using protective glasses. In others, unique glasses can be designed for players with eye problems.

Having these protective wears is never a guaranteed that one is safe. Each sport has its safety regulations that the player has to follow while playing. More so, the gear worn should be intended for the sport played and should be of a fitting size since an over or under size keeps one at a greater risk.

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