Information On Morrilton AR Colonoscopy

By Pamela Bailey

Colonoscopy is a method that doctors use to observe the inside of the lining of the large intestine. The equipment used to do the test is referred to as a colonoscope. A colonoscope is a tube that is thin and flexible. The tube varies in length between 125-183 centimeters. A small video camera is connected to one end of the tube for capturing images of the large intestine. Morrilton AR colonoscopy experts are worth considering because they are highly experienced and trained.

A colonoscope can be used to take pictures and videos of the entire colon as well as the lower section of the small intestine. Another similar test to colonoscopy is referred to as sigmoidoscopy, and it is used to observe the rectum and lower parts of the colon alone. Thus, the two tests are usually used together in most cases.

The colonoscope must be inserted slowly so that one does not feel any discomfort. The large intestine is often opened up by air pumped into it. It is easier and better to work with the colon when it is open so that better images can be captured. There is cable connecting the colonoscope to a TV screen where the images get displayed.

The examination usually takes about thirty minutes to complete depending on various factors. The patient may need to be sedated or give some other kind of medication to make them sleep while the process is being undertaken. It is advisable to bring someone along so that they can help one getting back home. The doctor usually determines how frequently the examination needs to be done. Usually, it will be done once in every ten years, unless one is at a higher risk of colon cancer.

Checking and diagnosis of various medical conditions can be done using this procedure. The techniques can be utilized to determine if one has ulcers, areas of bleeding and/or inflammation within the colon, tumors, and colon polyps. Abnormal growths are also removed during the process and tissues of the colon taken to perform biopsy on them. This test also checks for precancerous growths and rectal/colon cancer.

This test can also check the cause of various events such as diarrhea, unexplained weight loss, iron deficiency anemia, rectal bleeding, and dark or black stool. Sometimes, diagnostic tests such as barium anema, MRI, CT scan, stool test, and virtual colonoscopy produce abnormal results, and this procedure needs to be used to verify the cause. Inflammatory bowel disease is also watched and treated using this method as a test.

The colon needs to be cleaned out first before the test is performed. This process is called colon prep. There are different types of colon prep and different doctors prescribe different methods. However, the process takes 2-3 days. Some preps can be undertaken in the evening prior to testing.

The preparation process is sometimes more uncomfortable to some individuals than the technique itself. Bowel prep causes a lot of discomfort, making it worse. Prep is characterized by hunger because people have to eat a clear liquid diet. People on prep use the bathroom frequently, which makes it important to stay close to one as much as possible.

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