Discover The Atlas Orthogonal Technique Provide By A Tallahassee Chiropractor

By Erika Hertol

One of the main goals of chiropractic care is to help your body be able to heal itself and relieve pain naturally. Chiropractors are ready to help if there has been some kind of interference within your nervous system that is caused by spinal joint misalignment. A Tallahassee chiropractor doctor can help relieve your pain using the Atlas Orthogonal Technique.

This is a therapy technique that was designed to address spinal health care through a program developed by Doctor Roy Sweat in late 1960s. The practitioner is considered to be an authority in concerns with the cervical spine. He developed an non invasive instrument used for restoring structural integrity of a spine that has encountered a malposition of the cervical vertebrae.

Atlas Orhogonal is an effective, gentle, proven chiropractic technique. It doesn't use physical manipulation. Instead, it uses an instrument to gently realign your top spine vertebrae that support the head, or atlas. Orthogonal means square, or at a right angle to. If your atlas isn't square to your spine and head, it is said to be subluxated, that is, your spine and head are out of alignment.

If the head is not straight, the spine is not straight. This condition causes stress that can lead to discomfort and pain in the back, shoulders, hips, pelvis and knees. The Tallahassee chiropractic care provider uses an adjusting tool that gently, makes corrections with precision. The tool goes directly to the source of the problem to correct it.

This specific technique helps the human body reach optimum function ability regardless of the health problems the person is experiencing. It focuses on the misalignment in bone structure of the head and neck known as Atlas Subluxation Complex.

Chiropractors have had positive results with relieving pain by using the Atlas Orthogonal Technique. It has proven effective helping such conditions as arthritis, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, headaches, migraines, asthma, chronic stress or pain, athletic injuries, back and neck pain, auto accident injuries, scoliosis, herniated discs, and much more.

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