Solutions To Degenerative Disorders From A Trusted Chiropractor In Stockbridge Georgia

By April Madrid

People who suffer from pain in the neck and lower back caused by degenerative disc disease often suffer from a wealth of symptoms ranging from vary common and basic to more varied and complex.

Pain connected to hard activity is very common and will flare up after a lot of activity, then calm down and then flare up again. The amount of chronic pain, also known as the baseline pain threshold, can vary greatly from one person to the next. One person could experience a dull hard ache, another, a sharp stabbing pain. Still another could have a burning sensation with numbness and tingling.

Severe episodes or flare-ups of pain can last a few days or sometimes weeks. Some bad cases can last for months at a time, leaving the individual in great pain and robbing them of mobility and the ability to work, or at times, even leave the house. Chronic pain can be totally debilitating and permanent in some cases, but these are rare.

A lot of cases result in disabling and fluctuating symptoms and thus, it is a very difficult condition to both live with and treat. Bending or lifting activities, or twisting the torso can cause pain to become more severe.

Certain positions can also make the pain worse because of the pressure placed on the spine. Sitting and laying in certain positions can sometimes lead to a flare-up and can aggravate symptoms. Walking often feels better than sitting and is almost always better than prolonged periods of standing in one place.

Patients often feel their best when they're moving about and changing the way in which they site or lay down. It is not possible to hold any single position for very long before discomfort invariably rears its head. If you believe that you have degenerative disc disorder, consulting with a Stockbridge Georgia chiropractor can help.

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