The pursuing of animals, trapping and killing them is known as hunting. It is done by hunters for the purposes of either food or for entertainment. This exercise can also be defined as the art of trapping and killing of animals. This practice either can be lawful or unlawful. The lawful version is where the hunters are given the permission to conduct their activities. Unlawful version is illegal killing of animals which is also referred to as poaching. Barbary sheep hunting can be legal and illegal depending on the place.
the exercise is also done to remove predators that are dangerous to domestic animals in a specific area. Though most hunters that do unlawful hunting usually do it for trade purposes. They trade goods such as animal skins, elephant tusks and rhino horns. Fishing is also considered as a form of hunting. It has been done since medieval times.
This activity has a long history since the early days of man. Evidences indicate that early people were mostly hunters and gatherers. This can be seen from their early tools that consistent of mainly spears, bows and arrows. Even today especially in Africa some communities still hunt for food among other needs. This practice has led to extinction of some animals resulting to multiple environmental problems.
Even-toe species of animals include antelopes. They are widely spread in some parts of the world, especially in Africa. Importation of antelopes into other countries such as the United States has led to their spread worldwide. The antelopes have good evasive skills and spectacular leaping ability. The act of trapping and killing of antelopes is known as antelope hunting.
Antelope hunting is quite a worldwide activity only in areas they are found. They are hunted down for their skin, horns and for food. The United States imported the antelopes from other places for game hunting. They are hunted down for their meat which is said to be quite a delicacy and their skin is used in the leather industry for shoe making. The horns are used in the making of decorations in the house and commercial places such as hotels and also the making of jewelry.
The exercise provides a good and fun outdoor experience for a person. Antelopes are very swift a mostly found in the savannah grasslands. For one to hunt them they first need to get a permit from the relevant authorities. The hunt involves long walks so one should be fit and in shape for this kind of activity. One also has to be quick on their feet because antelopes have sharp eyesight in case they sense any danger they will escape.
Antelopes are found in open areas so it is important for the hunter to blend into the environment. This prevents the animals from seeing the hunters. The blending is achieved by belly crawling under the grass.
The rifles are capable of a long range precision. The activity usually occurs in specific seasons. The permit also allows the hunters to only kill one game. This is done in order to safeguard the species from extinction.
the exercise is also done to remove predators that are dangerous to domestic animals in a specific area. Though most hunters that do unlawful hunting usually do it for trade purposes. They trade goods such as animal skins, elephant tusks and rhino horns. Fishing is also considered as a form of hunting. It has been done since medieval times.
This activity has a long history since the early days of man. Evidences indicate that early people were mostly hunters and gatherers. This can be seen from their early tools that consistent of mainly spears, bows and arrows. Even today especially in Africa some communities still hunt for food among other needs. This practice has led to extinction of some animals resulting to multiple environmental problems.
Even-toe species of animals include antelopes. They are widely spread in some parts of the world, especially in Africa. Importation of antelopes into other countries such as the United States has led to their spread worldwide. The antelopes have good evasive skills and spectacular leaping ability. The act of trapping and killing of antelopes is known as antelope hunting.
Antelope hunting is quite a worldwide activity only in areas they are found. They are hunted down for their skin, horns and for food. The United States imported the antelopes from other places for game hunting. They are hunted down for their meat which is said to be quite a delicacy and their skin is used in the leather industry for shoe making. The horns are used in the making of decorations in the house and commercial places such as hotels and also the making of jewelry.
The exercise provides a good and fun outdoor experience for a person. Antelopes are very swift a mostly found in the savannah grasslands. For one to hunt them they first need to get a permit from the relevant authorities. The hunt involves long walks so one should be fit and in shape for this kind of activity. One also has to be quick on their feet because antelopes have sharp eyesight in case they sense any danger they will escape.
Antelopes are found in open areas so it is important for the hunter to blend into the environment. This prevents the animals from seeing the hunters. The blending is achieved by belly crawling under the grass.
The rifles are capable of a long range precision. The activity usually occurs in specific seasons. The permit also allows the hunters to only kill one game. This is done in order to safeguard the species from extinction.
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