Significant Purposes Of Liquids In The Form Of A Spray

By Haywood Hunter

The concept of a spray is known to all, but many would struggle to describe a spray precisely. A suitable definition for a spray is a mist scattered within a gas. A familiar example would be what is produced by spraying a can of underarm deodorant. The liquid inside the can is turned into a mist, which is of course dispensed into the air. It can easily be understood how this ties in with the definition.

Fleshing out the definition, the liquid in the illustration is of course the deodorant product. Once dispensed, the gas it is distributed within is of course the air. There are also instances where a spray is used in a medium other than air, such as where particular fluids can be sprayed into the fumes of power plants to make them less damaging to the environment.

The name given to the act of turning a liquid into a spray is atomization. Despite the implication, this does not mean that the fluid is actually dispersed as lone atoms, but instead simply as minute liquid globules. By looking at some of the many applications sprays have, some of the more useful properties will be revealed. Because of the great variety of functions for sprays, only a few notable cases will be looked at.

One area where spraying has great usefulness is in the food and drinks industry. As well as spray washing fresh produce, foods can be coated with flavorings, or any other additives, using a spray. In the case where a food requires a spicy coating, a spray allows the precise amount of this to be controlled. If spice mix was simply poured on, it could easily end up far too hot for many people. Also, sprays allow an even quantity to be distributed over the entire surface.

Spray drying is another important process in the manufacturing of edible products. Liquid foods and drinks are dried by spraying them into hot air, which evaporates the moisture and leaves a powder. This procedure is used to create additives like colorings and spices, as well as more common staples such as instant coffee or powdered milk.

Although spray drying is not well known outside the manufacturing industry, a more familiar spray process is that of spray painting. Most people know of the simple and common cans of spray paint, but there are also more clever applications of spray painting. One such use involves giving the paint an electric charge, while the object being painted is made to attract the paint by giving it the opposite charge. Often this electrostatic spray painting provides superior results to painting with a brush, as it can be impossible to access certain areas with a brush.

Perhaps the most important use of sprays is where they are used in engines. Fuel sprays inject the fuel into many types of engine, including petrol, diesel, jet and rocket engines, and also in steam boilers. The injection of fuel in this manner is highly significant, because turning it into a spray creates a very high surface area, while also dispersing it through the air, which allows it to be ignited very efficiently.

While the finer details of what a spray actually is elude most people, their myriad applications in food manufacture, in generating power, in fueling our engines and also in everyday things like deodorants and spray paint, demonstrates how important they really are.

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