A List Of Deer Attractants You Can Buy From Your Favorite Louisiana Hunting Supply Store

By Walter Stone

Deer hunting is thrilling. If you are planning for such an expedition, you may want to ensure that your undertakings are set for success. Deer attractants work like magic. They will make the prey come to you and newbies may even end up making several kills without breaking a sweat. As you purchase your hunting accessories, there are various other products that you should pick from your favorite Louisiana hunting supply store.

Any seasoned deer hunter will tell you for free that the animal loves apples. Acquiring apple, flavored products would hence be a wise thing to do. You can find them in different forms, including corn, liquid and apple-scented blocks. Be sure to carry enough of the product for you to increase your chances of having a magnificent time.

Peanut butter happens to be one of the most powerful deer attractants that anyone can use. You could also use molasses to attract the beautiful beasts. When using both products, you need to find a tree that is within shooting range and drill in the lid of your product. You should then leave a generous amount of the product and go into hiding. It should not take a while before the hoofed beast comes by.

Mineral and flavor blends are also superb deer attractants that you could use. The hoofed beasts are again fans of salt and they will come running just to get a taste of your deer lick. The scent of your product could significantly increase your chances of taking out a deer or two.

Hoofed animals will have a particular liking for certain plants. That said, you can choose to purchase food plots from brands like Tecomate. This works tremendously and the best part is that you could use your plots for several days. For many, using such products is the key to ultimate success, especially when intending to stay in the bush for a while.

You could also consider products that are acorn scented. If what you want is deer baits, then choose white oak acorns over their red counterparts. The white acorns are not too bitter because they have lesser amounts of tannins. The product works magically and you could even choose to use it on your food plots.

There are a variety of factors that would determine the success of your trip. These aspects include not only your method of take, but also the weather conditions and even your levels of proficiency. Because of the importance of ensuring your personal safety, begin planning for the trip a few weeks ahead of time.

As you get your bag ready, ensure that you have your weapons, your ammo and your baits. Also invest in protective gear such as camouflage attire, gloves and hunting boots. The right store will have knowledgeable sales representatives who could share additional tips and even confirm that you have all you need to ensure that your expeditions will be a complete success.

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