Start The Design Process With The Help Of A Sports Shop In New York

By Christine Jackson

One of the coolest and greatest thing about being in high school was getting the opportunity to check out all the new high school gym banners that would hang by right above the entrance. The sports shop in New York certainly would put in plenty of effort into making them look acceptable and appealing.

Most schools tend to have prom committees who are specifically tasked with the very difficult task of executing a miracle. The prom committee is like the fairy godmother in Cinderella, they come through with magic wands and turn gyms into ballrooms, boring banners into works of art and the gym court into a dance floor.

So how do you go about creating banners for your school. Well, firstly you are going to need a group of people to help. Some schools have creative committees, whiles some schools don t. Its best to do projects in a committee or sign up some school volunteers. If you have an arts and craft class in your school as an elective, then those are some of the students you may want to recruit.

The second important thing, after getting the school colors right, is getting the motto and the team names correctly. They have to be spelled correctly, there is nothing more awkward than looking at a banner plastered up high on the gym wall and noticing that the spelling is not correct. For example, instead of the banner spelling Jaguars, it instead spells the Gaguars. Just plain awkward. Another thing a banner needs is to be clearly visible. This means you will need to find a banner printer who knows how to scale words correctly so that they all align and fit. There worst thing that can happen is seeing all the words fit except the last three, which then have to be squashed at the end of the painted ribbon.

You will also need some material, a whole lot of materials. This may include magazines to cut letters from, scissors, glue, pictures, paint, a banner paper, string, wool, rope, color paper, and all the other cools arts and crafts tools and materials that will make your school s banner look cool, hip and trendy. You can stop by your local target or Walmart in order to purchase some of these goods. With some of these stores selling stuff in bulk. If you are doing more than one banner, then you may need some of your materials in bulk, lest they get finished halfway through your project.

Lastly, the banner needs to be visible. This may mean finding a ladder and placing the colored ribbon at the highest point in the gym. One great place to put a gym banner is right above the people, on the ceiling. It would be a great way to unveil the prom king and queen, simply asking all the students to look up when the names have been announced.

Now that you have your team, and everyone knows what they are doing, and you have all your materials and designs, it is time to get artsy. Pain away, spray-paint away, draw away, paste and cut away until every banner has been done to excellence.

So, remember to get all the right elements together to make sure your banners stand out for the right reasons.

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