Leading Dentist For Kids Howell Explains Some Of The Common Dental Issues That Affect Children

By Diane Gibson

Every parent needs to take charge of the dental health of a child as soon as he or she is born. The sooner you get proactive, the easier it will be to ensure that your little one is set up for a lifetime of healthy and elegant smiles. Some of the complications that could arise from ignoring dental health issues include gum disease, tooth decay and bone loss just to mention a few. If you need to find the best dentist for kids Howell is an ideal place where you could base initial investigations.

It is important for your child to develop healthy oral habits right from the word go. These habits not only involve maintaining oral hygiene, but also visiting the dentist for checkups and cleaning twice-yearly. Below are some of the most common dental health issues that affect kids.

On top of the list of concerns is tooth decay. This arises when food particles mix with mouth bacteria to form acids and plaque that can eat up the enamel and cause holes in the teeth. When a tooth decay concern is overlooked, the hole goes deep and reaches the nerve and this could cause a lot of pain and eventually tooth loss.

To protect your loved ones from the risk of developing cavities, it will be vital for you to ensure that their diets are healthy. Also ascertain that they drink adequate amounts of water and maintain acceptable oral hygiene. You could also consult with your dentist about fluoride treatments and dental sealants.

Thumb-sucking helps some children to relax and comfort themselves. While such a habit may at first not seem like a major problem, it could eventually cause dental health issues. The sucked thumb puts pressure on the front teeth, pushing them forward. If your child is already growing permanent teeth, this could cause severe dental misalignment problems forcing a dentist to extract the affected teeth or recommend braces.

Children are playful creatures and they are hence vulnerable to tooth trauma. During sports or regular play, a child could get a tooth or two knocked out or fractured. In case of an incident, place the knocked-out tooth of clipped out piece in milk and rush to the clinic. In some cases, the tooth can be reattached. To avoid such a concern, ensure that your kids wear a mouth guard whenever they engage in rough play.

Gingivitis and gum disease is also common in both adults and children. Gingivitis is the concern one suffers before contracting full-blown gum disease. It is caused by lack of proper dental care and also tartar and plaque buildup. The gums, therefore get infected or inflamed and you may notice some redness or bleeding when brushing.

Once your kid begins developing wisdom teeth, your dental specialist could inform you about the chances of an eruption. In case a wisdom tooth or two erupt, it should be removed to prevent issues such as overcrowding and misalignment. Erupt wisdom teeth could also cause a great deal of pain and discomfort.

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