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She would practice her dark powers in, ironically, the dark, with their other 2nd in command and butler friend Ivan. She took up the mantle of being the leader seriously, now that everyone decided to fall slowly apart of each other. Because what could she do? Except busy herself with what needs to be looked over.
But Ivan tries. The former Russian soldier has watched these girls in their childish prime and it was a sight to behold. He looked after them like he was their father. They were his daughters, with Roa being that older brother who watched on in fond exasperation. It pained him to see them like this.
It pained him to watch Raki mindlessly immerse herself in her duties. To hear Junkos quiet words of missing the old days. Of Rurus angry eyes which were always trained on everyone, especially Kira. Of Kiras secret escapades when he knows perfectly well where she goes and what she does.
What is so important that we need to have a meeting about it? Their Leader glanced back at her, eyes narrowed as if contemplating whether to wait until they all gather or not, before looking back forward, never stopping. She brought another one like me. The lavender haired girl stopped in her tracks, gaping at Rakis back.
No wonder. Espers of their caliber did not require partnership, simply because of their genetic makeup, making them physically and genetically incapable of being attracted to anyone. No matter the gender. They, and by that she means all 7 of them since they were the few top tiers left in this wretched world, were known to be asexual.
And were to keep that standard no matter what is happening in the world. Not to mention, romantic affiliation imbalances their power. Is it a wonder that Kira was their weakest now? And it honestly did not surprise Ruru. Figured that she leaves just to get something in between her legs.
Ivan does nothing about this except to leave, probably to go deliver food to the other bitches she was forced to still live with. Rolling her eyes, she muttered obscenities whilst pausing her game. Sliding the tray closer, she took a peek from her small cave to find the others.
She only sees Kazuki by the 2nd floor railing, reading a book that was placed on her lap while her hands twisted and bent a piece of metal. Ruru clicks her tongue. Raki was probably inside the Control Room from across were Rurus cave is while Yumi was in her room.
She would practice her dark powers in, ironically, the dark, with their other 2nd in command and butler friend Ivan. She took up the mantle of being the leader seriously, now that everyone decided to fall slowly apart of each other. Because what could she do? Except busy herself with what needs to be looked over.
But Ivan tries. The former Russian soldier has watched these girls in their childish prime and it was a sight to behold. He looked after them like he was their father. They were his daughters, with Roa being that older brother who watched on in fond exasperation. It pained him to see them like this.
It pained him to watch Raki mindlessly immerse herself in her duties. To hear Junkos quiet words of missing the old days. Of Rurus angry eyes which were always trained on everyone, especially Kira. Of Kiras secret escapades when he knows perfectly well where she goes and what she does.
What is so important that we need to have a meeting about it? Their Leader glanced back at her, eyes narrowed as if contemplating whether to wait until they all gather or not, before looking back forward, never stopping. She brought another one like me. The lavender haired girl stopped in her tracks, gaping at Rakis back.
No wonder. Espers of their caliber did not require partnership, simply because of their genetic makeup, making them physically and genetically incapable of being attracted to anyone. No matter the gender. They, and by that she means all 7 of them since they were the few top tiers left in this wretched world, were known to be asexual.
And were to keep that standard no matter what is happening in the world. Not to mention, romantic affiliation imbalances their power. Is it a wonder that Kira was their weakest now? And it honestly did not surprise Ruru. Figured that she leaves just to get something in between her legs.
Ivan does nothing about this except to leave, probably to go deliver food to the other bitches she was forced to still live with. Rolling her eyes, she muttered obscenities whilst pausing her game. Sliding the tray closer, she took a peek from her small cave to find the others.
She only sees Kazuki by the 2nd floor railing, reading a book that was placed on her lap while her hands twisted and bent a piece of metal. Ruru clicks her tongue. Raki was probably inside the Control Room from across were Rurus cave is while Yumi was in her room.
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