Essential Things For You To Remember After Having Your Tummy Tuck Fort Lauderdale Provides

By Frank Roberts

Most tummy tucks performed these days are outpatient procedures. This means that the patients are sent home a few hours after undergoing surgery. However, more intensive treatments oftentimes require hospital stay for a few days. No matter the case, there are some very important matters that should be remembered by the person after having a tummy tuck Fort Lauderdale cosmetic surgeons offer.

During the next few days after getting the treatment, it's a must for the individual to take it easy. In other words, he or she should considerably limit physical activities. Engaging in strenuous or vigorous exercises is definitely contraindicated. It is a good idea for the person to take not less than a week off from work. Getting plenty of rest enables the body to bounce back from the procedure at a much faster rate.

During the next few weeks after undergoing the knife, pain can be expected. It's important for the person to stay away from taking aspirin or any other painkiller that's known to cause the blood to thin. Otherwise, unnecessary bleeding and also bruising may be encountered. It's very much possible for a cosmetic surgeon to prescribe his or her patient the appropriate painkilling medication that can be taken without causing risks.

Wearing a compression garment has to be done on a daily basis until the surgeon says otherwise. Such piece of clothing that's worn around the midsection helps fend off swelling that can considerably slow down the healing process. What's more, a compression garment helps a person to achieve the expected results by keeping skin sagging at bay.

The person should never forget to drink around a couple of liters of water on a daily basis. According to cosmetic surgeons, staying hydrated can actually help accelerate the process of healing. Aside from encouraging proper healing of the incision, consuming lots of water also helps eliminate toxins and waste materials that can slow down one's recovery.

See to it, however, that the incision does not come into contact with water. Other than delaying healing, it's also something that can increase your chance of having an infection. Unless your plastic surgeon says that it's okay for you to take a shower or bath, avoid having them. Worry not because taking a sponge bath is allowed, although you need to ensure that you don't get the incision wet.

Someone who is a smoker should quit smoking for a while. According to cosmetic surgeons, it is a good idea to ditch smoking for the next 4 to 6 weeks in order for proper healing to be attained. Poisonous substances found in cigarette smoke can in fact hamper blood circulation and healing of the incision.

Pain, swelling, redness and bruising are all normal after a tummy tuck. It may take several days or even a few weeks for them to go away completely. If the said symptoms tend to worsen or there are signs of an infection around, the individual should immediately get in touch with his or her cosmetic surgeon.

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