If you a person who loves cycling, then you have to know how to fit a bicycle to ensure that it is comfortable and it offers the appropriate performance. Riding a bike when it does not have the right fit can lead to severe injuries. Fitting a new bicycle requires a couple of aspects. The following are essentials for professional bike fitting near me to think through.
Start by setting the frames. The height of a cycler determines the kind of frame size to consider. People who are too short or tall should consider this aspect since they cannot get an excellent experience while riding a standard sized bike. There are even bikes which have specifications that fit women. Such bikes have a short top tube or do not have one at all. Depend on a framing chart if you want to make the right choice.
Adjust the saddle. Sit on the saddle and put the pedal at the lowest point of a downward strike. The legs should perfectly sit on the pedals creating a slight bend at the knees. Other postures that one can rely on include the heels on a pedal, hip rocking, and inseam formulas. A reliable seller should try all methods to find the best size for your saddle.
Adjust the aft and fore. Once you have maintained the required seat size, you have to set its aft and fore. You should do this when seated on the seat and having one of your foot placed at a three direction. Make a string with a small weight and hang it at your knee. Keep on adjusting the saddle until the weight is at the same level as the pedal.
Put the handlebars in the correct position. Modern hybrid bikes have adjustable handlebars that riders can fit according to their needs. However, traditional bicycles still maintain non-adjustable handlebars. If you prefer an upright posture, make sure that the handlebars are slightly above the height of its seat. If you love the lean-forward stance, adjust the handlebars marginally lower to the seat.
Acquaint with means to deal with wrist pains. Wrist pains are common when cycling. There are two means that one can avoid such pains. First, one can fit a longer stem with a shorter one. The best fit should ensure that the stem has an equal size with the top tube. Besides that, you can drop the handlebars to create a more aggressive and aerodynamic posture.
Choose a reliable fitter. Sometimes a DIY approach can fail to work out even though one has a well-described manual. In such a case, one should turn to pros to have the whole process handled within the recommended way. A good fitter should provide different riding experience and styles that suit your needs and the setup of your bicycle.
Consider your costs. Fitting services are quite affordable, and one can afford to get an expert without too much strain. Some fitters can go to the extent of asking a small fee or offering a discount if you purchase the bike from them. Beware of additional costs incurred when you have to customize the bike to fit your needs.
Start by setting the frames. The height of a cycler determines the kind of frame size to consider. People who are too short or tall should consider this aspect since they cannot get an excellent experience while riding a standard sized bike. There are even bikes which have specifications that fit women. Such bikes have a short top tube or do not have one at all. Depend on a framing chart if you want to make the right choice.
Adjust the saddle. Sit on the saddle and put the pedal at the lowest point of a downward strike. The legs should perfectly sit on the pedals creating a slight bend at the knees. Other postures that one can rely on include the heels on a pedal, hip rocking, and inseam formulas. A reliable seller should try all methods to find the best size for your saddle.
Adjust the aft and fore. Once you have maintained the required seat size, you have to set its aft and fore. You should do this when seated on the seat and having one of your foot placed at a three direction. Make a string with a small weight and hang it at your knee. Keep on adjusting the saddle until the weight is at the same level as the pedal.
Put the handlebars in the correct position. Modern hybrid bikes have adjustable handlebars that riders can fit according to their needs. However, traditional bicycles still maintain non-adjustable handlebars. If you prefer an upright posture, make sure that the handlebars are slightly above the height of its seat. If you love the lean-forward stance, adjust the handlebars marginally lower to the seat.
Acquaint with means to deal with wrist pains. Wrist pains are common when cycling. There are two means that one can avoid such pains. First, one can fit a longer stem with a shorter one. The best fit should ensure that the stem has an equal size with the top tube. Besides that, you can drop the handlebars to create a more aggressive and aerodynamic posture.
Choose a reliable fitter. Sometimes a DIY approach can fail to work out even though one has a well-described manual. In such a case, one should turn to pros to have the whole process handled within the recommended way. A good fitter should provide different riding experience and styles that suit your needs and the setup of your bicycle.
Consider your costs. Fitting services are quite affordable, and one can afford to get an expert without too much strain. Some fitters can go to the extent of asking a small fee or offering a discount if you purchase the bike from them. Beware of additional costs incurred when you have to customize the bike to fit your needs.
About the Author:
For professional bike fitting near me, the Web is one of the most convenient sources of information. This website contains all the useful info at http://www.olyest.com/services.