Sleep Obstruction And Alternative Treatments To CPAP

By Harold Brooks

While there have been over the counter offerings to prevent or ease snoring, breathing machines have been the most common way to treat sleep apnea. While this is the case, there are now a number of alternatives. One of the newest alternative treatments to CPAP is that of Inspire, an implant which is placed under the skin and operated by remote control.

While Inspire requires a quick outpatient procedure, once implanted all individuals have to do is turn on the device with a remote before sleep, and turn off the device when awake. After which, the device will automatically reset for the next period of sleep.

With this new product, sleep apnea can be calmed without the need for a mask, hoses or cleaning machines. As such, individuals often wake up more alert, aware and refreshed rather than groggy and sleepy. In addition, individuals with loud snoring issues can also benefit from this new device.

Inspire has also been known to eliminate stress between partners. For, if a partner can not sleep due to loud snoring, gasping or breathing equipment, it can often result in interrupted sleep. As such, partners can often have difficulty functioning at work or when dealing with children due to a lack of sleep.

Inspire has been approved by the United States FDA as of 2014 as being effective and safe in several long-term trials and studies. As such, the product is as, if not safer than CPAP machines. For, if an individual were to have breathing issues while asleep, a partner would most likely be better able to hear the issue with a quiet device over that of a loud CPAP machine.

According to ongoing surveys among current users, there has been a 79% or higher reduction in sleep apnea when using the device. In addition, individuals are reporting having experienced better overall sleep patterns regardless of sleeping during day or night. As such, most users are extremely satisfied and suggest the short outpatient procedure and cost are well worth the benefits received in return.

Finding a health care provider whom can prescribe an Inspire implant can be found on the Inspire website. For, there is a zip code search as well as a list of clinics currently providing this alternative to heavy breathing equipment. As there are over 150 doctors and clinics around the United States now providing Inspire implants, most individuals can find a location within a reasonable driving distance.

Individuals are often advised to check with a primary health care provider before switching to any type of alternative treatment. As there are only a few insurance companies which provide coverage for alternative forms of treatment, it is also a good idea to contact current providers to assure the treatment is covered under a current policy. After which, it can often be easier for individuals to decide whether or not an Inspire implant might be a good option.

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