By Switching To ECigarettes Indianapolis Smokers May Be Taking A Step In The Right Direction

By Andrew Hughes

The past few decades have seen a dramatic change in legislation governing the use and sale of tobacco products. Smokers may no longer smoke wherever the wish and the sale and marketing of tobacco products are strictly regulated. Massive educational campaigns have also made more people aware of the dangers of smoking tobacco and the harmful effects they have on non smokers in the vicinity. Now, with eCigarettes Indianapolis smokers can eliminate the harmful effects of their habits on those around them.

Electronic cigarettes were invented and first introduced in China in 2004. They quickly grew in popularity and to date millions of devices have been sold. These devices are marketed as a safer and socially more acceptable alternative to tobacco products. Most devices currently available looks like the real thing and even glows and emit vapour when used, just like a cigarette would.

The majority of electronic cigarettes operates in the same manner. There is a heating unit, a battery that powers the heating unit and a cartridge containing nicotine and several other chemical ingredients. The user activates the device by sucking on it or by pushing a button. Nicotine is released and inhaled while the device produces vapour that closely resemble real tobacco smoke.

Surveys have shown that most of the people that buy electronic cigarettes do so as part of their efforts to quit smoking. They argue that these devices are less harmful to their health whilst still satisfying their craving for nicotine. Many smokers are of the opinion that it is the tar a d other chemicals in tobacco products that causes health problems, not the nicotine. Many people also opt for electronic cigarettes because they are more acceptable in society as a whole.

Electronic cigarettes have become the target of many fierce critics. They argue that it is irresponsible to claim that these devices are safe. They still provide the user with doses of nicotine, and nicotine is extremely addictive. Nicotine can also contribute towards the development of heart disease and blocked arteries. Users of electronic cigarettes experience the same withdrawal symptoms experienced by tobacco users.

Critics also say that electronic cigarettes are creating an entirely new generation of nicotine addicts. This claim seems to be supported by the fact that sales of electronic cigarettes to teenagers have soared. Unlike legislation that strictly control the sale of tobacco products, electronic cigarettes are freely available to all and sundry. Critics claim that young people that never smoked tobacco before now use these devices wrongly believing that they are safe.

Manufacturers and supporters of electronic cigarettes are fighting back by pointing out that these devices contain only a very small portion of the harmful chemicals found in tobacco products. They also argue that electronic cigarettes do not emit real smoke that can be harmful to those around a traditional smoker. They also claim that many tobacco smokers overcome their nicotine dependency by using electronic cigarettes as a step in the quitting process.

All the indications say that electronic cigarettes are here to stay. Sales keep soaring and new models are introduced regularly. Some experts reckon that the sale of these devices will outstrip the sale of tobacco products within the next decade or so.

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