Long term addictions, particularly ones involving opiate based products and opium, are very hard to get rid of or even break away from. Quite a few believe that it can be done cold turkey through the use of sheer willpower but this has been proven to be more foolish than wise. Quite a few have taken to drug substitution therapy involving suboxone. If you are of a mind to take drug substitution therapy by going to any one of suboxone doctors Richmond, VA facilities, then do read on for more information on this drug.
Considered by many as a moderate path to addiction termination, long time addicts to opium and opiates have considered suboxone as the drug to use alongside medical supervision. It is also a drug that can be used as alternatives to other methadone class drugs as well as fentanyl, hydrocordone, Oxycontin, heroin, morphine and codeine. Its generic name is Buprenorphine.
There are various methods to apply or introduce this drug into the body. It can be done traditionally by injections or it can be down through the skin by the use of a trans dermal film. It is also sometimes administered orally or even by nasal ingestion. Effects of suboxone is quite long and can be felt several hours later. Never should it be administered to children, or rather it should always be kept away from children, as household accidents involving this drug causes fatal results stemming from respiratory suppression.
The drug is a mild painkiller when applied in low dosages. Short term pain management is a common use for it when prescribed by doctors for those suffering from Stenosis pain and degenerative disc disease. Most users will say that it is a better painkiller when compared to Vicodin and other traditional painkillers. First stages of use will incur an overall high feeling that later melds into an out of it phase.
Side effects for long term use of this drug does exist. Symptomatic side effects include but are not limited to abnormal response to stress, loss of sexual interest, loss of emotional control and hair loss. More acute symptoms that occur due to abuse come in the form of profuse sweating, drowsiness, vomiting, nausea, digestive disorders and more.
Chronic abusers of opiates also abuse this synthetic opiate. When they lack heroin or other opium based products, they use it as a way to prevent withdrawal symptoms. In other cases they just use it to get high. Such abuse can lead to buprenorphine related seizures which has been on the rise in some states, in particular Massachusetts, New York, Maine and West Virginia.
Likewise death has also occurred due to abuse, as many have used it in drug sessions and mixing it with alcohol. It is known to severely interact with 844 known drugs, and 261 of these are known to have fatal reactions. It is definitely a drug not to be trifled with.
Thus we have covered in this article some main concerns and information that one should know regarding this opiate synthetic. Hopefully this article is of use for the current drug dependent so that he or she can have a more informed choice in using this path on the road to wellness and recovery.
Considered by many as a moderate path to addiction termination, long time addicts to opium and opiates have considered suboxone as the drug to use alongside medical supervision. It is also a drug that can be used as alternatives to other methadone class drugs as well as fentanyl, hydrocordone, Oxycontin, heroin, morphine and codeine. Its generic name is Buprenorphine.
There are various methods to apply or introduce this drug into the body. It can be done traditionally by injections or it can be down through the skin by the use of a trans dermal film. It is also sometimes administered orally or even by nasal ingestion. Effects of suboxone is quite long and can be felt several hours later. Never should it be administered to children, or rather it should always be kept away from children, as household accidents involving this drug causes fatal results stemming from respiratory suppression.
The drug is a mild painkiller when applied in low dosages. Short term pain management is a common use for it when prescribed by doctors for those suffering from Stenosis pain and degenerative disc disease. Most users will say that it is a better painkiller when compared to Vicodin and other traditional painkillers. First stages of use will incur an overall high feeling that later melds into an out of it phase.
Side effects for long term use of this drug does exist. Symptomatic side effects include but are not limited to abnormal response to stress, loss of sexual interest, loss of emotional control and hair loss. More acute symptoms that occur due to abuse come in the form of profuse sweating, drowsiness, vomiting, nausea, digestive disorders and more.
Chronic abusers of opiates also abuse this synthetic opiate. When they lack heroin or other opium based products, they use it as a way to prevent withdrawal symptoms. In other cases they just use it to get high. Such abuse can lead to buprenorphine related seizures which has been on the rise in some states, in particular Massachusetts, New York, Maine and West Virginia.
Likewise death has also occurred due to abuse, as many have used it in drug sessions and mixing it with alcohol. It is known to severely interact with 844 known drugs, and 261 of these are known to have fatal reactions. It is definitely a drug not to be trifled with.
Thus we have covered in this article some main concerns and information that one should know regarding this opiate synthetic. Hopefully this article is of use for the current drug dependent so that he or she can have a more informed choice in using this path on the road to wellness and recovery.
About the Author:
If you are looking for the facts about suboxone doctors Richmond residents can come to our web pages today. More details are available at http://foundationmedicalgroup.org now.