Disadvantages Of Basketball Across The Country

By Pamela Harris

This is a type of game that is well recognized allover the world. It is played by both men and women who are of different ages. It is played in a special type of field that is built properly. It is cemented in a very nice way such that when the ball is properly hit to the ground it bounces back to the hands of the player. Basketball across the country has played a great role in this society and the whole country at large.

There are certain qualities that make a person a great player of basketball. Some these qualities may include awareness. Someone must be aware of the match that he is going to play. He must know of how it is played. By doing all this, it will put a person in a better position to enter into the field and play the game. A human being must have practiced for a very long time so that he can be in a position to beat his competitors.

Also, the muscles of a human being are built and are made to grow stronger. All muscles in our bodies are made to move when one is playing this kind of a game. Due to the activeness of the player, his muscles become stronger. When a person practices the game regularly, he makes his bones to be very strong and this enables his body to be very healthy.

Somebody must also have a strong mind that is able to reason in the right manner. All players must be mentally fit and upright for them to be allowed to enter into the field and play against each other. When a person does not have any mental challenges, he or she is going to reason in the right manner. He is able to make the right decisions that are required in the game.

There are also some disadvantages that are associated with this type of game. Some of the disadvantage may include that the player may be exposed some injuries. This is because the game is played in a cemented pitch. When a player by bad luck slides and falls, he or she gets some bruises. These bruises are sometimes temporary and at other times permanent. This is a challenge that the players of this game face.

The concentration of a player is enhanced and improved. This is because a player is forced to concentrate in the field so that they can be able to coordinate with the other players who they are playing with. This boosts the concentration level of people even in their normal doing of things in their daily activities.

Self-discipline is also taught in those fields by the coaches and the referees. When a player is in the field and is in a position to abide to the set rules and regulations, he is termed to as a disciplined person. His personality is very good and can be able to relate with anyone in the society.

Also, a player should be determined in what he or she wants to achieve. One must put extra effort in his duties. This will lead to improved outcome of the activities done. Determination can be defined by the end results of the game that the players play.

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