Organic Tick Control: The Do's & Don'ts Of Tick Removal

By David Kellan

When a tick lands on your arm, shoulder, or what have you, chances are that your first instinct is to remove it. What you may not know is that there are right and wrong ways to go about this. Anyone that offers east end tick control services will agree, so it's in your best interest to study up. These are some of the most important rick removal do's and don'ts to know, so that you won't have to suffer from unpredictable tick bites.

DO remove ticks with tweezers. If you think that you can remove these pests from your body with your bare hands, you'd be mistaken. As a matter of fact, your local organic tick control company will recommend that you use a pair of tweezers instead. Not only are these fine-tipped for easy gripping, but they won't harm your skin either. This is one of the most useful tips that the likes of Alternative Earthcare can offer.

DON'T forget to clean the spot afterward. Once you remove the tick, make sure that the spot it was on is cleaned. There are different solutions that can be used for this purpose, rubbing alcohol included, but you can get by with a simple combination of soap and water. Thoroughly clean this spot so that there are no remnants of the tick in question. By doing so, you'll have less to worry about when it comes to the developing of tickborne illnesses, Lyme disease included.

DO use heat in its various forms. Did you know that heat is effective for killing ticks? Let's say that you've been outside for a length of time; it's possible that these pests have found their way on your clothes. Fortunately, by running your clothes through the dryer, the heat from it will be able to take care of said ticks without a problem. This is a great tick removal method that more people should be aware of.

DON'T forget to check your skin. Just because you were able to get your tick removed doesn't mean that you should be careless about your wellbeing. In fact, the spot where said tick once resided should be checked on a regular basis. You might see a rash develop, but this isn't the only sign of a tickborne illness. Nausea, fatigue, and general discomfort throughout the body are just a few signs associated with said illness. If you start to feel off, for lack of a better term, don't hesitate to call your doctor.

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