You may be thinking of getting a dog for a pet just like many of your friends have. You may thus be in the market for a Cavalier King Charles Spaniels puppies MI. Before you do make a firm and final commitment to taking on such a breed you should be aware of a few facts that should help you out.
Depending on supply and demand, depending on the breed standard and bloodline for the particular puppy you are intending to buy, it will set you back anywhere from USD 1,800 to USD 3,500. This small dog does not come cheap so you should also be prepared to take care of it and maintain it.
When reaching adulthood, these dogs can reach around 13 to 18 pounds in maximum weight, which is around six to eight kilograms. It is also quite small as its overall length will only reach around 11 to 13 inches upon maturity, pretty much the length of a ruler. It is classified as a sporting toy breed and it will exhibit behavior characteristic to both toy and sporting lines.
Its small size is what lends to it being a toy dog, and is one that also likes to be around its owner or master. It likes to always be on the lap of whoever is taking care of it. It is a dog that likes to cuddle and snuggle on blankets and soft pillows. As it is quite fond of human company and craves it most of the time, this breed is prone to separation anxiety. If left alone for prolonged periods of time it can get quite stressed and lonely and will whine a lot and most likely do some destructive chewing of what it can get its teeth on.
On the sporting side it will be quite rambunctious breed and is quite athletic. Care must be taken when it is kept outside as it will tend to chase things it sees like other small animals in the guise of squirrels and chipmunks, and even the occasional low flying bird or even butterfly. When chasing what it is interested in it will be oblivious to surrounding dangers like open roads and such, so it pays to keep it fenced in or leashed.
Its fur needs to be brushed once a week, as it is quite prone to matting and tangling. Regular trimming is also recommended for hygienic purposes, especially around the rump and anal area. Its fur is also not hypoallergenic so it may be a good idea to think twice about getting such a breed if you have a history of canine related allergies.
The dog is very playful and responds well to praise, and due to this it is quite easy to train. It has large expressive eyes and is peaceful and quite polite with everyone around it. Its overall temperament can be said to be playful and affectionate.
It is a dog that can be prone to a lot of health complications so you should be prepared for plenty of veterinary visits. Complications can range from heart and hernia complications to eyes and knee joint problems. These complications tend to increase as it progresses on in age.
Depending on supply and demand, depending on the breed standard and bloodline for the particular puppy you are intending to buy, it will set you back anywhere from USD 1,800 to USD 3,500. This small dog does not come cheap so you should also be prepared to take care of it and maintain it.
When reaching adulthood, these dogs can reach around 13 to 18 pounds in maximum weight, which is around six to eight kilograms. It is also quite small as its overall length will only reach around 11 to 13 inches upon maturity, pretty much the length of a ruler. It is classified as a sporting toy breed and it will exhibit behavior characteristic to both toy and sporting lines.
Its small size is what lends to it being a toy dog, and is one that also likes to be around its owner or master. It likes to always be on the lap of whoever is taking care of it. It is a dog that likes to cuddle and snuggle on blankets and soft pillows. As it is quite fond of human company and craves it most of the time, this breed is prone to separation anxiety. If left alone for prolonged periods of time it can get quite stressed and lonely and will whine a lot and most likely do some destructive chewing of what it can get its teeth on.
On the sporting side it will be quite rambunctious breed and is quite athletic. Care must be taken when it is kept outside as it will tend to chase things it sees like other small animals in the guise of squirrels and chipmunks, and even the occasional low flying bird or even butterfly. When chasing what it is interested in it will be oblivious to surrounding dangers like open roads and such, so it pays to keep it fenced in or leashed.
Its fur needs to be brushed once a week, as it is quite prone to matting and tangling. Regular trimming is also recommended for hygienic purposes, especially around the rump and anal area. Its fur is also not hypoallergenic so it may be a good idea to think twice about getting such a breed if you have a history of canine related allergies.
The dog is very playful and responds well to praise, and due to this it is quite easy to train. It has large expressive eyes and is peaceful and quite polite with everyone around it. Its overall temperament can be said to be playful and affectionate.
It is a dog that can be prone to a lot of health complications so you should be prepared for plenty of veterinary visits. Complications can range from heart and hernia complications to eyes and knee joint problems. These complications tend to increase as it progresses on in age.
About the Author:
Get an overview of important things to keep in mind when choosing a dog breeder and more information about gorgeous Cavalier King Charles Spaniels puppies MI for sale at now.