A Detailed Guide To What Ocellated Turkey Hunts Is All About

By Janet Watson

If you are one of those people who have a hobby in hunting, then you will find ocellated turkey hunts to be quite enjoyable. This practice provides a truly unique that is not like any other form of the expedition. You get to experience the flush of tracking down and capturing this exotic bird species. This piece sheds light on all you need to know concerning this adventurous activity.

The ocellated turkey is a rare species that is found only in the regions of Mexico, specifically the states of Chiapas, Guatemala, and Tabasco. This bird lives in an area that is approximately fifty thousand square miles. The avian species is different from other turkey found around the world. The weight of this turkey ranges from 3 kilograms in females to 5 kilos in males.

Before you head off for your hunting expedition, it is important that you understand how this bird behaves in its natural habitat. This knowledge will improve your chances of success by making your hunt easier. This will also guide you on what is the best hunting gear to carry for your hinting exercise. Those who engage in these kinds of expeditions will be accompanied by guides who understand how the birds live.

Much of the ocellated turkey day to day activities happen on the ground. It will have a properly concealed nest on the ground where the female lays eggs and incubated them for 28 days. However, roosting happens high on trees away from the threat of jaguars and other predators. The turkey will usually run when they sense danger. Flying is generally a last resort since they can only do so over short distances.

The whole activity of tracking and capturing the prized birds is mostly coordinated by touring agencies in Mexico. Strict rules of the practice apply to limit the possibility of hunting the birds to extinction. It is essential for an agency to get authorization from the government and environmental departments before engaging in turkey hunts. The whole expedition is done within the tropical jungles where the native birds reside.

On a typical hunting exercise, the hunters will wake up early in the morning, mostly around 5 a. M. They will assemble their tools then set off with their guides to a desired location of the jungle. To pinpoint where the birds are hiding, they will rely on cues such as the distinct calls from the males. If necessary, the guide will mimic these sounds to aid the tracking process.

A good guide will prioritize feeding and watering grounds where the bird frequent to get a drink. Once you pinpoint your target, the next step is to exercise stealth to avoid scaring off the target. Hunters need to exercise patience and calmness until the capture is made. The whole expedition will go on for roughly five days.

A typical hunting pack will consist of a variety of guns such as short guns and other precision rifles. The tools to be chosen are determined by the respective touring firm. Those who have had experience hunting turkey in the jungle admit that it is one of the most involving tasks they have engaged in.

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