Bass Fishing Cape Cod MA Tips For Beginners

By Robert King

Bass fishing is judged by the size and weight of the fish that the player reeled in; not by the quantity of fishes caught in a given time. A game official will weigh each entry, and the player with the heaviest fish caught will be declared as the winner. Like any other fishing sport, the fish is thrown back in the water after some snapshots and after it has been weighed. If this sport interests you, here are some bass Fishing Cape Cod MA tips for beginners that could help you to be on the top of your game.

For those who spent time answering that question, this chapter was written just for you. It's a compendium of some of the most effective and tightly-held secrets about trout fishing you'll ever find. It's a grouping of tips for you to read, digest, and most importantly, use on your next fishing trip.

For example, there are two types of Striped Bass. One type of Striped Bass lives in the sea while the other lives in the river. A saltwater Striped Bass is larger than its freshwater cousin. So, don't be surprised why you cannot reel in a 35kg Striped Bass (the largest caught so far).

Trout Hunting Tip #3: Smell Does Matter - here's a great trout hunting tip: trout are very sensitive to smell and can detect unnatural scents. They will smell the bait before biting it to see if it is safe. Be careful of everything you touch with your hands! If you are a smoker, make sure to rub your hands in dirt or grass after handling a cigarette and before baiting your hook. Make sure to do the same after eating your lunch of pastrami on rye! They'll smell the food and know it isn't a natural smell to them.

I like to read every hunting tip I can find and file it in my memory. If the hunting is slow, I dig into this repertoire of tips and see what else might work. I like to also try different baits. We fished a small stream for two years and, although you could see large carp, we could never get them to bite on anything. I grabbed a couple of shrimp fries one morning and had a large carp within 5 minutes. Next day the same thing happened to my grandson. Never be afraid to experiment.

Tip #3 Choose the right time Based on the fact that this fish loves cool water, anglers should go bass fishing early mornings or late afternoons when the weather is cooler. Furthermore, take the seasons into account. Autumn, when the heat of the summer meets the cold breeze of the Winter, is the best time to go Bass Hunting.

Tip #4 Use the right equipment. A flexible and strong rod is needed. Lastly, you need a hunting line. Hunting lines come in different colors. It depends on which you are most comfortable using. A good hunting line disappears in the water, so the fish won't be able to see it, but visible above water so you know where your line is. Hunting is a sport where both men and women are hooked into, but Bass hunting raises the sport to another level because a bass fish will surely put up a fight.

In the summer you will probably have the best luck hunting deeper. Night hunting is good in the summer months. In the fall, around October and November, crappies seem to be abundant around the docks. They are aggressive, and I always try to get in a lot of hunting during this time. Wintertime, the fish, seem to be in deeper waters, and you will want to use a slow retrieve. A spell of warmer weather is a time to hit the waters for sure.

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