Custom Embroidery In NYC: Say What You Want Without Opening Your Mouth

By George Graham

Not sure how to express your identity? Maybe you are not even sure you know what your identity is? People express themselves in a multitude of ways. From the color of their hair to body art such as henna tattoos, permanent tattoos, and a whole range of clothing styles and jewelry. They will even go so far as to get parts of their head shaved, enlarge their ear lobes for discs and other forms of body enhancement. Alternatively, they go under the knife and have plastic surgery just to have a look they think is theirs. Custom Embroidery in NYC provides a service that allow you to express yourself in an unique way.

There is very often no going back, and if there is, it can be costly and take ages. So we look for less permanent ways to express ourselves. As we grow, so will our identity so impermanent expression is the ideal way to tell the world how you feel, what you support, and what you rebel against.

So if you are not sure of what your identity is, or know but know it will change, consider ways of representing yourself through your hairstyle, jewelry, and clothing. Clothing is especially versatile and makes a huge statement. One great evergreen in the clothing world is the t-shirt. Think of the impact simple logos and mottos have on t-shirts. The Nike tick? It is reminiscent of the carpe diem culture, certain subcultures, and even a sporting lifestyle. A t-shirt with that tick speaks volumes about you. So what kind of message would say to the world I identify with?

Here are some examples. Popular T-shirts that sell on the big online stores include those that capture the parody and with of Monty Python, quotes from Einstein, and those bearing the faces or words of a black liberation leader. The phrase If a man stands for nothing, he will fall for anything is attributed to Malcom X, predominant African American rights fighter. He seems to be in favour too. These are all already customized t-shirts for you to pick from if you want to make an impermanent statement. Many womens department stores stock t-shirts with slogans like Miss Perfect or Independant. It is becoming a norm for women to make statements about their abilities to compete with men in the world. However, you are not stuck to wearing only what you find on the rack, or online.

Within the isles of shirt wonderland you are supposed to find something that really expresses you. But what if there is not ? Customize your own! You can decide which slogan you like on your shirt. Maybe something that an author said really moved you and you want to share that sentiment. Or maybe you agree with Elon Musks business savvy and find a quote that is especially sage. You have an endless source of inspiration just from other people.

This has lead to an increasing popularity with emojis on tees. The reverberant boom that we hear the earth over is Social Media. Whether it is Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, most people have accounts. You can make your tee slogan up entirely from emojis and instascript without having to actually use a full word.

What you should really be concerned with is customizing your own t-shirts from scratch. Why spend $30 on a top when you can buy a $5 one and get it printed yourself? The total will not be more than about $18. You get to choose the fit, color, fabric, and message that you want on your t-shirt. Places that print t-shirts are a plenty and many printers do print on fabrics. Alternatively, screen printers can take a photograph and cover your shirt with wild horses, desertscapes, or the night sky for a fraction of what it will cost you to buy in a store. There is no end to what you can express.

So if body modification does not really beckon you. Nor does the thought of even coloring your hair a bright color, but you want to ensure that you are going to make a statement about your identity to the rest of the world then do it! Do it through the clothes you wear, and customize your tee to suit your personality. There is nothing in this world as unique as your own thoughts and ideas.

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