For Professionals In Burial At Sea Florida Ocean Offers A Recommendable Destination

By Gary Myers

Thousands of people are buried at sea around the world every year. This practice began several years ago and is still very popular. In fact, the popularity of the practice seems to rise with every passing year. The United States is one of the countries whose citizens exercise burial at sea very commonly. However, there is still much unknown information about this exercise and this article aims to elaborate on it a little. When in search of experts of burial at sea Florida Ocean should be given priority.

Everybody can be buried at sea if it was their wish before their death. Most individuals who are buried at sea are navy members of staff or former sailors. However, no connection with maritime life is needed for one to be buried in the ocean. Apart from a dead person wishing for this to be done, a license must also be held by the individual in charge of organizing the whole event.

It is the government that issues the licenses for these events. A few factors usually determine how much the license would cost. Complying with the environmental rules when doing this process is very important. A person must provide evidence from a doctor that the body that requires to be laid to rest has no infections or fever when applying for a license.

At times, the coroner might need to be made aware of the event when taking the body from the mortuary. It is normally not permitted to embalm the body and the body must be cladded in clothing that is light in color. In order to prevent pollution to the environment and for decomposition to occur, the clothing has to be biodegradable.

There are strict regulations and codes that must be adhered to in this process. First of all, there are specific spots in the water that are deemed suitable for burying people. However, applicants usually have the opportunity to propose a new site that they may prefer to carry out the event at. The proposal is usually sent together with the application.

Individuals are supposed to table proof of suitability of the suggested location for the latter to be consented. The place needs to have the least possibility of disturbing mercantile fishing nets. Furthermore, prevailing currents must be incapable to carry the body ashore. There should be a mechanism to identify a body in the event that the body is drifted towards the shore. Normally, identification is done by putting a tag on the body.

Most locations are usually placed several miles into the sea. Sometimes it takes hours of travelling to reach the site. As such, most families prefer to hold ceremonies on land before setting off for the burial. At the time of disposal, people usually say short prayers. The body is buried by being lowered into the water from the watercraft. This takes just minutes.

Many companies that are specialized in offering these services to the public exist. The navy might be responsible of doing the burial in the case of navy personnel. However, service companies have to be hired for the task by ordinary individuals. Usually, one has to pay a fee for these services.

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