Common Concern That Can Be Diagnosed And Treated By A Gynecologist Beverly Hills

By Kenneth Cox

Gynecologists are practitioners who specialize in treating concerns that affect the reproductive systems of women. They can address issues like menopause, menstruation, sexual health, childbirth and hormonal problems just to mention a few. It remains crucial for you to visit an expert at least once each year to get your overall reproductive wellness monitored. If you need to find a reliable gynecologist Beverly Hills is a good place to begin your research.

There are certain issues that are better off when addressed sooner than later. You need to visit your gynecologist if you are suffering from problems related to your menstrual cycles. This includes PMS symptoms, over bleeding and irregular periods. Keep in mind that some of the causes of menstrual issues are potentially serious.

Yearly pelvic exams are important. If you are sexually active or at least 18 years old, then you should schedule for these exams with each passing year. A reliable gynecologist will search for health problems that affect the ovaries, uterus and cervix. He or she will also perform a PAP smear to collect cell samples that can be useful when testing for cervical cancer. In case of issues of concern, other specialized tests can be conducted to unveil intricate conditions like cervical dysplasia and endometrial hyperplasia.

You must schedule an appointment if you are having reproductive or sexual health issues. An ideal specialist can offer assistance through all stages of family planning. This includes providing birth control options, addressing fertility problems and performing the needed checks all through the phases of pregnancy. Your gynecologist can additionally address complications that are caused by childbirth, such as uterine prolapse and obstetric fistula.

You owe yourself the favor of scheduling for a checkup if you have reason to think you have an STD. A competent doctor can also offer treatment for issues that impact the health of reproductive organs like fibroids, polycystic ovaries, ovarian cysts and yeast infections. You can also get sexual expression or dysfunction concerns addressed.

Menopause is not as swift as many may assume. There are harsh symptoms such as night sweats, mood swings and hot flashes that you may experience right before you stop getting your periods. Because you will be going through an important change in your life, working with a competent gynecologist would be crucial.

Consulting with a gynecologist once you transition into menopause is a matter of basic importance. Bear in mind that while this is a natural stage in the life of a woman, it can also cause problems like urinary incontinence and osteoporosis. Your risk of suffering from breast cancer will also drastically increase once you hit menopause.

Research shows that about 30% of women who are between 30 and 60 years old suffer from a certain degree of urinary incontinence. Urine leaks can be caused by pregnancy, stress and obesity among other concerns. In this case, your practitioner will help to determine the cause of a concern and recommend medication or treatment. It remains crucial to schedule for a checkup the instance you experience any unusual signs.

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