Critical Items To Carry During Nashville Kayak Trips

By Edward Wagner

If you like adventures, it is time to go kayaking if you have never gone before. Paddling is one of the activities that people enjoy most. This is because you will have a great experience in the water as you take in the views. Also, you can navigate the places that are not accessible by other means like vehicles. However, you should know that there are essential items you should carry when you are going to such an adventure. Some of the vital things you should carry to Nashville Kayak Trips are listed below.

The first item that most people disregard is a pair of gloves. Even if gloves seem unimportant, they can make your trip to be exciting all through. This is because they will prevent you from forming blisters on your hands. It can be very painful and frustrating when you develop blisters in the middle of your paddling trip. Therefore, remember to pack a pair of good gloves.

Additionally, ensure that you remember to buy polarized sunglasses. Even if you already have them, make sure they are polarized. These sunglasses will help you to stay on the water and withstand the bright sun. Also, with the polarized sunglasses, you will be able to take in sites above and below the water surface. Forgetting these glasses will make your trip to be terrible as the sun will blind you.

Additionally, you should remember to bring with you a small cooler. This is because you will need drinks to make the adventure more enjoyable. Find a cooler that can fit in your paddle. This will help to keep the drinks cold. Some people may decide to do away with the cooler, but it is necessary for such an adventure.

Dry boxes and dry bags are also necessary when you plan to go on a kayaking adventure. These boxes and bags are usually watertight. Therefore, they will be ideal for storing important items. The dry box is generally used to store things like cameras and phones. The dry bag is also essential as it is used to store food as well as clothes.

Another essential item is a tent that is both resistant to water and lightweight. If you plan to stay at the site for several days, you should carry a tent that will cover you during the night. This tent will protect you from biting insects, keep you warm, and protect you in case of a storm or strong winds.

Sometimes accidents may occur or the weather may change. For instance, you may be hit by a heavy storm during your paddling adventure. Even if the weather is predictable sometimes, it is good to be safe. Hence, remember to carry sponges and bilge pumps to get water out of the paddle during storms.

Additionally, make sure you buy a fitting life jacket. These may be provided in some sites but you ought to have one of your own. These jackets are necessary as they can save the life of a person. Also, they are ideal for protecting you from the sun, together with the sunscreen.

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