Understanding What Happens Before, During And After In Office Teeth Whitening Fort Worth

By Richard Green

After years of smoking and drinking red wine, coffee and tea, your teeth may not look as bright as they used to. They may appear dull and you may also notice clear signs of yellowing. Fortunately, it is possible to fix a discolored smile by scheduling for professional whitening sessions. A proper service will make your dental several shades whiter. If you desire in office teeth whitening Fort Worth can offer you a decent number of highly proficient dentists.

If you are a newbie in seeking professional whitening treatments, you are likely to feel intimidated by the process that lies ahead. Knowing what to expect will assist greatly in putting your mind at ease, and you will even look forward to your appointment. Here is what typically happens before a session as well as during and after the treatment.

Before the dental cosmetic procedure takes place, your dentist will evaluate your oral health and confirm that you make a good candidate for treatment. It will be crucial for you to get treatment for gum issues and cavities before the procedure takes place. The degree of staining will also be considered and you will need to work with the professional to choose the whiter, yet natural looking shade to achieve.

If it is determined that you make an excellent candidate for the procedure, your teeth and gums will need to be prepared. The practitioner may do a brief teeth cleaning before your gums are covered with a gel or rubber. It is important for the gums to be protected because the bleaching gel can cause irritations.

After this, the dentist will take the bleaching solution and get it carefully smeared over each tooth. In order to activate the solution and accelerate the bleaching process, UV light will be focused on your teeth. A treatment will usually take between 45 minutes and one hour, depending on the level of discoloration and the desired outcome.

Once the bleach is rinsed off and the rubber is removed from the gums, you will be able to see the outcome that has been achieved. It is not guaranteed that you will get the shade you desired, though you can look forward to enjoying a brighter smile. Some patients have to schedule for an extra treatment in the future for them to get the exact shade they want.

After a treatment, it is normal to suffer from some degree of tooth sensitivity. This should even so subside within a day or two. Within 24 hours following a treatment, you should not eat or drink foods that cause staining. Your dental will at this point be at higher risk of getting stained.

For you to maintain the outcome of the treatment, you again need to avoid beverages and foods that cause stains and discoloration. In addition, consider using an at-home kit periodically in order to prevent new stains from developing. Talk to your dentist about getting a customized kit.

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