Key Benefits Of Mona Lisa Touch Santa Monica Procedure

By Joyce Phillips

Over the years, the vagina of all women experience wear and tear. Therefore, its functionality reduces. The main factors that can make the functionality of the vagina to decrease include aging and childbirth. This is because the vaginal muscle tone is lost. Once this happens, problems like urinary incontinence, vaginal dryness, and painful sex become apparent. That is why there is a need for vaginal rejuvenation for women to become healthy and active. There are several processes that women undergo, most of which are not effective. However, Mona Lisa Touch Santa Monica surgeons offer is known to work. Below are the benefits of this procedure.

If you realized that you are having painful sex, it is time to think about the Mona Lisa Touch procedure. A dry vagina tends to be itchy. Also, it is more prone to infections. The infections will still come even if you are not engaging in sexual intercourse. Sex can thus be painful for you. Hence, you should look for a doctor that will alleviate the symptoms and heal you so that you can enjoy sex.

Your vagina may also become loose when you age or after you have given birth. If you realize that the vagina is loose, it is essential to re-tighten it if you wish to enhance sexual pleasure. The Mona Lisa Touch treatment makes the vaginal walls to secrete collagen that re-tightens the muscles. The surrounding tissues are also tightened. The vulvar muscles become more hydrated, thicker, and more toned as well.

Urinary infections and incontinence are common issues in women that are about to hit the menopause age or those who are already in menopause. This means that if you move, laugh or sneeze unexpectedly, you may not be able to control your bladder. The treatment will thicken the mucosal tissues and rejuvenate your vagina, making it tighter and stronger. Urinary infections will also be cleared.

This is one hundred percent non-hormonal treatment. It is, therefore, perfect for breast, ovarian, uterine, and other forms of cancer. This is because hormones may trigger these cancers. Chemotherapy can induce menopausal symptoms to women of all ages. Therefore, this treatment alleviates all menopausal symptoms that may be caused by chemotherapy. Also, you will no longer have to worry about hormonal therapies that may trigger your cancer cells.

Even if doctors are widely using laser vaginal rejuvenation, some medical practitioners are still not able to use it. Thus, they continue to use estrogen treatment and exercises. This treatment works on a very small percentage of women. This is because people are different, and their bodies respond differently to hormone treatment. Laser procedures are thus the best option.

The treatment is fast and painless. Usually, patients are treated using laser equipment that has been filled with carbon II oxide. The treatment lasts for about ten minutes. Since it is painless, patients are not put under anesthesia. Therefore, you should select this treatment because you will not feel pain and discomfort.

This treatment has zero downtime. This means that you will not be required to stay at the hospital for a week or more to recover. You will be allowed to go home immediately and continue with your daily activities. However, you should not have sex until after about three days after the treatment.

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