Here Is Information On Teeth Whitening Medicine Lodge

By Carolyn Russell

Teeth whitening is a process that is done on teeth to make them lighter and to remove discoloration and stains. This process is one of the most common and popular cosmetic dental procedures among Americans. Its popularity is fueled by the fact that it can greatly improve how teeth look. This process can be performed by most dentists. This is not a one-time procedure. In order to keep their enamels white, one has to have the process done occasionally. Here are facts regarding Teeth whitening medicine lodge.

The outer part of the teeth is known as the enamel. A natural tooth coloration develops when light hits and gets spread on the enamel. Beneath the enamel is another layer called dentin. Thickness of the enamel mostly depends on the genetic composition of a person. When the enamel is so thick, the dentin is bound to be hidden deeper and the possibility of being eaten away is low.

Apart from the natural color of the enamel, the tooth color may be determined by several factors. For example, the small pores in the enamel can hold stains in them that can change the color of the teeth. The enamel usually has a thin film covering it. This coating is constantly picking up dirt, causing the yellow coloration of the enamel.

Certain habits such as smoking and failure to observe good dental hygiene can also cause the enamel to darken. Drinking dark-colored liquids like cola, tea, red wine, and coffee can also leave the enamel yellow or darker in color. The natural process of aging also makes the enamel thinner while dentin turns darker. This makes teeth to appear less whiter.

Through whitening, it is possible to reduce or eliminate the effects of darkened enamel. In order for the process of whitening to be successful, one needs to prepare adequately in advance. Part of preparation involves treating cavities, which may make the process to be less successful. Cavities usually create spaces through which products used to whiten can pass through.

For people who have receding gums, this process may make their enamels sensitive. This process can be done at home or in dental office. When the process is done in a dental office, the dentist will start by taking a photo of the enamels. The photo is then used to monitor the success of the process over time. The dentist will also ask several questions in order to determine the cause of the staining.

The next step involves cleaning of the mouth to remove substances such as food particles and bacteria which cause staining. The whitening process starts after this. In this process, the dentist makes trays that are used to hold the whitening gel onto the enamels. The gel reacts with the enamel to bring about a change in color.

There are kits that can be used at home to get results similar to the ones achieves by dentists. Some over the counter kits are cheap and easy to buy. There are instances where one would prefer having the procedure done at home. In this case, consulting a dentist is advisable. The entire process takes between two to three weeks when performed at home.

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