Some Facts On Heroin Treatment Utah County Addicts Need To Know

By Daniel Gray

Heroin is a banned substance in virtually every country in the world. It is arguably the most addictive drug. In spite of the difficulty that is associated with breaking free from the addiction, more and more addicts are successfully being rehabilitated. Among the most important prerequisites for one to succeed are a strong will to quit, self-discipline and a strong social support structure. There are a number of things on heroin treatment Utah county residents need to know.

The therapies that exist are many but are broadly divided into two main groups: drugs and behavioral therapies. These treatments may be offered singly or in combination. The first step in treatment is what is termed detoxification (chemical withdrawal). It involves an intense process of stopping the use of the substance and is associated with serious side effects such as joint pains, nausea, and chills. It is for this reason that inpatient management is recommended.

Since the recovering addicts are still dependent on heroine, they will be given drugs that have an effect similar to the substance of abuse. Methadone is among the most important treatments in this regard. Other options include naltrexone and buprenorphine. The drugs are usually started immediately after the therapy is initiated and tapered slowly over time when the patient begins to recover. Rapid stoppage is likely to cause withdrawal symptoms.

The next stage of managing this conditions is known as therapy. The main activity here is counseling. The addict is given an opportunity to take part in both individual and group therapy sessions. Individual therapy is useful as it provides the privacy that is needed for the client to open up to their therapist. Group therapy, on its part, is needed to impart coping skills that the members within the group learn from each other.

There is increased use of residential settings to manage this problem. Such an arrangement has been shown to have better results compared to the use of confined institutions. The patients that are managed in a residential home have access to a number of activities that include, for example, swimming, hiking, running and biking. These activities help in managing stress which in turn helps to reduce the time needed for recovery.

The third and final stage of treatment is the maintenance stage. This stage lasts for months or years and is usually done on an outpatient basis. Arrangements are made for the recovery addict to attend regular rehabilitative clinics so that their recovery process can be assessed. Support groups (narcotics anonymous) may also be scheduled to take place during these visits.

Behavioral therapy is focused on modifying the behavior of the affected individual with the aim of reducing their likelihood of indulgence in heroin abuse. Behaviors that contribute to an increased risk are discouraged while those that reduce the desire are encouraged. Cognitive behavior therapy is used in identifying both behaviors and thoughts causing this problem so as to institute the most appropriate interventions.

Heroin addiction is difficult to handle both for the addict and their therapist. This is because there is a high degree of dependence and the associated withdrawal symptoms are almost unbearable. It has been observed that the only sure way of dealing with this problem us to adopt a multi-pronged approach. Such an approach incorporates the modification of behavioral patterns as drugs are being administered.

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