For those that don't know, hepatozoonosis is a type of tick-related illness that largely impacts canines. Any Long Island tick control company will tell you the same, but there are many specifics that are largely unknown. What makes hepatozoonosis so detrimental to a dog's lifestyle? What can be done in order to prevent it? Hopefully the following information will be able to answer these questions, in addition to a slew of others.
Like with other tickborne illnesses, hepatozoonosis is spread by way of tick bites, which allow the disease in question to enter the bloodstream. When this happens, a number of symptoms arise. According to companies like Alternative Earthcare, these include fever, muscle loss, and even kidney failure. As a matter of fact, if pet owners fail to obtain the care that their animal friends need, hepatozoonosis can be fatal.
What many people don't know about this condition is that it comes in one of two forms. Transmitted specifically by Gulf Coast ticks, Hepatozoon americanum is one of the more recent "species" found in the world. Hepatozoon canis, which is carried by brown dog ticks, is more widespread by comparison, therefore making it more common. Regardless, hepatozoonosis is a serious illness that requires medical attention and preventive measures alike.
Even though certain treatment methods have been known to increase survival rates and limit the symptoms mentioned earlier, there's nothing that can completely eliminate the disease. However, if you're looking for preventive measures, east end tick control specialists may be able to help. Their professional assistance will result in your lawn becoming pest-free, not only in terms of ticks but many other potential illness-carrying insects as well. You can never go wrong with professional help.
When it comes to hepatozoonosis, these are some of the most important details to make note of. Not only will these help you better understand the severity of the condition itself, but the ways that it can be prevented in the future. Dogs shouldn't have to experience situations like this, especially if their owners have the means to prevent them. The more that you know about preventive measures, professional or otherwise, the healthier you and your pet will be.
Like with other tickborne illnesses, hepatozoonosis is spread by way of tick bites, which allow the disease in question to enter the bloodstream. When this happens, a number of symptoms arise. According to companies like Alternative Earthcare, these include fever, muscle loss, and even kidney failure. As a matter of fact, if pet owners fail to obtain the care that their animal friends need, hepatozoonosis can be fatal.
What many people don't know about this condition is that it comes in one of two forms. Transmitted specifically by Gulf Coast ticks, Hepatozoon americanum is one of the more recent "species" found in the world. Hepatozoon canis, which is carried by brown dog ticks, is more widespread by comparison, therefore making it more common. Regardless, hepatozoonosis is a serious illness that requires medical attention and preventive measures alike.
Even though certain treatment methods have been known to increase survival rates and limit the symptoms mentioned earlier, there's nothing that can completely eliminate the disease. However, if you're looking for preventive measures, east end tick control specialists may be able to help. Their professional assistance will result in your lawn becoming pest-free, not only in terms of ticks but many other potential illness-carrying insects as well. You can never go wrong with professional help.
When it comes to hepatozoonosis, these are some of the most important details to make note of. Not only will these help you better understand the severity of the condition itself, but the ways that it can be prevented in the future. Dogs shouldn't have to experience situations like this, especially if their owners have the means to prevent them. The more that you know about preventive measures, professional or otherwise, the healthier you and your pet will be.
About the Author:
For further details about east end tick control services, visit Alternative Earthcare now.