How To Install Pile Drivers Successfully

By Paul Turner

When dealing with hand power equipment and tools, it is advisable to put into consideration all the safety precautions expected. It is essential to wear safety shoes and helmets during the installation of pile drivers. Much care is taken to ensure that in case a mill scale falls it will not hurt anyone. To facilitate efficient and safe installation of piles, the below tips will give a guideline on how to go about it.

Ensure you use active cushioning materials in between the drivers and the head of the concrete. In case there is a reasonable good point of soil resistance, piles that are under fifty feats only three or four in are adequate. On the other hand, longer piles are used in the case where piles are driven in a soft soil. Further, the wood material used for cushioning should be placed on top of piles horizontally. Also, remember to inspect it to ensure it is in good conditions.

To reduce driving stresses, ensure you use massive ram with a low impact velocity so as to ensure you get the desired driving force. Remember that light pump with high massive stroke will not work well for you. More or so, it is important to know that the ram impact velocity determines the pile driving processes.

During the first driving when the soil resistance is encountered, the pump speed must be reduced. By so doing, there is smooth driving that reduces the ram velocity that helps to prevent tensile stresses. Ensure that when installing long piles through very soft soils the required pump speed is used since it assures you an efficient installation of piles.

The cap should be loosely fitted on the top of machine to make sure that they rotate slightly without binding the driving head, this prevents the torsional stresses. Also, the cap must be centered to make certain that eccentric load is not applied. The experts should insist on that to have an ample time during installation.

Fitting of the piles is done first before application of driving force. The fitting need to be done with a reasonable resistance to provide the driving of piles is easy and efficient. Jetting of the piles is first done then followed by driving them inappropriately. Remember that, jetting and driving in the drivers are not done at the same time. Also, it is important to note that by ensuring that all the edges and corners are chamfered, the concrete will not collapse.

The straightness of piles have to be maintained by the specialist, and this prevents the drivers from being bent due to uneven prestress. The pile driving process can be negatively affected by the crooked machine that cause flexural stress. Further, the piles must be well squared and perpendicular to the longitudinal axis. Remember that the level of stress is determined by the eccentricity concentration.

To ensure that proper installation of driver is achieved, the specialist should make sure that all the required tools and equipment are available. A lot of care should be taken to make certain that no accident that would cause death or damage happens. Use all the protection gears available to ensure you are safe.

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