Information On Hip Hop Dance Classes In Mississauga

By Marie Thomas

Dance is a form of body movement that involves certain steps that concede with the music being played. It is usually performed to express culture of a particular place, for leisure and entertainment and fitness. It can also be performed as a hobby in order to pass time. Dances are categorized into various categories depending on the historical period, place of origin and the choreographer. Basics about hip hop dance classes in Mississauga.

Different dances have different approaches. Movements and gestures in concert dances are a representation of characters portrayed in the plot. Theatrical dances differ from participatory dances because the former has movements that are uncontrolled and are long too.

The various categories used to classify dances include participatory and theatrical dances. Theatrical dances usually tell a story either truthful or mythical. It is concert oriented and performed before an audience. It is particularly created by choreographers, it has long and spontaneous dance movements and is performed in mime form and good examples are ballet, Indian, classical, and modern dance.

Participatory dances are majorly practiced in South America and Africa. In these dances, people dance for conventional purposes like social interactions and fitness. The dances do not need an audience and can be performed in any place. There is not storyline in the dance. The lack of coordination implies that members of the audience can join in the dances if they wish. Social and folk dances are examples of these types of dances.

During the early days dances were tutored by elders who were thought to have experience and skills to tutor the young in the society. The learners were trained in an open space where they would meet with the tutors for lesson. Dancing contests were later held to determine the best dancers who would get honor and special treatment from their colleagues.

In the African cultures this dances were used to carry on with the tradition of a community. They were performed in special certain occasions such as weddings, harvest periods, to perform special sacrifices and even for men to choose potential wives. With time thing have changed and traditions are almost disappearing due to advancement in technology.

The interaction of people from various cultural backgrounds through migration led to mixing of various cultures. Contact and need to know and appreciate the culture of others led to the rise of training institutions. These are establishments that provide classes to people in regard to their favored dance.

In order to safeguard the culture and traditions they have also become part of the school curriculum. They are offered under the arts and humanities programs. This classes offer a wide range of topics which include dancing practice, dancing performance and choreography. The classes are offered by professional dancers who are well trained in this field and have acquired experience over time.

To become a choreographer, one needs to have a degree in performance arts and dance. Without a degree in these fields, it is hard to be recognized. These workers are paid lowly even though pressure and stress from the job is a lot. The work setting is ever changing, something that makes this profession one of the most challenging.

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