Top Homeopathic Cold Sore Remedies

By Joshua Richardson

The dreaded blister on your lip, painful and irritating, is caused by the Herpes Simplex virus and lasts for more than a week at a time. To find relief from symptoms and protect the sores from crusting, homeopathic cold sore remedies will help you find relief and support an efficient healing process. The following tips can help you learn which techniques can help alleviate discomfort and facilitate faster healing.

Cold sores are treated conventionally, but also respond to natural solutions ensuring the health of tissues surrounding the lips and nose are maintained. When cold sores are inflamed and irritated, it is not possible to conceal the sores leaving you with highly noticeable blisters on your face. Steps to prevent the worsening of symptoms and spread of sores are best supported with immune strengthening and techniques and natural solutions.

Consuming 1000 mg of vitamin C each day can provide the immune system the support it needs along with fresh fruits and vegetables. Keeping the skin surrounding the sores well moisturized with a soothing cream including lemon balm can hemp minimize the spread and ongoing discomfort. The purpose of these procedures is to provide effective management methods to protect from infection.

The formation of sores at its earliest stage can benefit from the use of Natrum Muriaticum that is a herbal ingredient. It is part of a homeopathy approach and has shown to reduce the spread and worsening of sores that are red and inflamed. Simply dab a small amount onto the blisters along the face and neck, but this solution may also be applied to sensitive regions.

Pain and difficult management of cold sores result from the presence of a dry, severely cracked and uncomfortable blister. To keep the area properly hydrated and to prevent these sores from deteriorating, apply a clear petroleum jelly to the area. If you have experienced irritation elsewhere in your body, it is important to apply the moisturizer to prevent it from worsening over time.

You can prevent the occurrence of cold sores using Zinc in your diet to encourage a stronger immune system against the occurrence of severe blisters, sores and associated inflammation. It is when the immune function is weak that your system takes a toll and provides the virus the opportunity to proliferate and cause major breakouts. When your health is improved and strengthened, it helps control symptoms and protects against the occurrence of imbalances and a lack of care.

Apply Sulfur to the sore and inflamed blisters if you are uncomfortable and cannot find relief from conventional care efforts. The redness and severe discomfort can cause major problems and requires the proper management methods to alleviate the strain and ongoing symptoms. Sulfur helps relieve the itching and the pain that can make the virus difficult to cope with.

A multitude of homeopathic remedies are available for cold sores from topical applications to immune boosters. Keeping cold sore outbreaks at bay are best achieved with immune strengthening solutions to fight the virus from taking hold. Learning of these alternative remedies and applying the proper procedure can help you achieve appealing and healthy results.

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