The Celebration Of The Argentine Tango Festival

By Frank Hayes

There is no other trapping of culture, tangible or intangible, that totally speaks loads about Argentine identity and hallmark better than the quintessential tango. This unique, spectacular, historic, and popular dance has gone beyond its country of provenance and is currently all the rage in different points in the world. When youre looking to collate a worldwide collection of the best dancers of this genre, however, there is still no better place to look than the original, with the annual Argentine Tango Festival.

The thing is that this is not just a social dance. Its likewise a musical genre. It is therefore identifiable with a particular beat and harmony, usually in the four fourths and two fourths time signatures. Melodic instruments make up the musical orchestra repertoire. At the heart of this is the bandeonon, which is a kind of small accordion.

It is only recently that historians have delved into the history of the dance. Thats not totally to be wondered at since no one can really guess that it would go on to become a cultural phenomenon. Historians concur on the fact, however, that this developed in the eighteen eighties along the ports of Argentina, combining European, Gaucho, and African influences.

These places still express themselves through the movements of the dance. The dramatic pauses and athletic leaps are reminiscent of African dances. The upright neck postures and static embraces are the same with the European. The holds between the pair are either open and closed, in which they are virtually chest to chest.

Music is also quintessential to tango. Therefore, dancing appropriately to the motion and speed of sixteen or thirty beats is of utmost importance. The sensual walk is another trademark of this dance. The expression of passion, and the transmission of music between the pairs and their audience, are supposed to be the hallmarks of a good dancer.

There are many kinds of variations throughout the world. The two claiming primacy are the Milonga and Val. The first is remarkably snappier and more upbeat than is usual. The second is the tempered version of an Italian Waltz and a speeded up version of the Viennese Waltz.

Tango is a year long enterprise, but for correctness sake, lets just say that the city wide championships start in May. But it is in the last three weeks in August when the quintessential festival takes place. It then smoothly merges with the Mundial de Tango, which is equivalent ot that of the World Cup. Its no wonder that its being billed by aficionados all over as the worlds biggest extravaganza for this particular dance.

During La Festival, recitals, shows, classes, nightly milongas, film screenings, book signings, and musical performances abound in spades. Every night, thousands of tangueros go out to dance in the Buenos Aires streets. In Mundial de Tango, dancers from all countries and nationalities vie for the worldwide championship and be thereby recognize as the best tanguero in the world.

For the Argentines, Tango is a way of life. So much, that in 2009, it was included in the Intangible Cultural Heritage List by UNESCO. Aside from all the corporeal boons, as with the physical exercise and social satisfaction, this is also a comprehensive expression of their culture and identity. It is totally a great thing to be known for the whole world over.

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