For Quality Fotofacial Las Vegas Should Be Prioritized

By Michelle Sullivan

Technology in the beauty industry is always advancing as new products and services continue to come up. Fotofacial, also referred to photofacial is a procedure in the beauty industry that exposes the skin to intense pulses of light. The skin is exposed to these pulses for a period of thirty minutes and the pulses penetrate deep. The pulses result in the constriction of blood vessels and collagen in the skin, which causes reduction in age lines and redness. For professional fotofacial Las Vegas is the place to visit.

The suitability of the procedure depends on the type of the skin. Generally, people whose skins are discolored, blotchy, wrinkled, freckled, or sun-damaged make good candidates. The procedure does not require any form of preparation and it lasts a short while. Thus, it is convenient for people who are always busy.

People with deeply tanned or dark skins may experience some complications afterwards. This makes them not very good candidates. It is advisable to discuss such issues with a qualified dermatologist first prior to treatment through photofacial. Best candidates are people with white, untanned skins. When the skin is of the right types and suitability, the procedure enhances skin texture, eliminates discolorations, reduces pore sizes, and minimizes fine lines and wrinkles.

Comparatively, this process costs more than chemical peels, microdermabrasion among other methods. However, the process costs much less in comparison to most laser skin treatments and cosmetic surgeries. One session usually costs between 500-600 US Dollars. The final costs is determined by number of sessions one attends and the cosmetic issue being treated.

Light waves that the process uses are of high energy. The light serves to encourage collagen synthesis and to eliminate common aging effects. Collagen is one of the naturally-occurring proteins that smoothen the skin by filling in wrinkles. Better results are achieved by attending more sessions. The time between sessions should be three weeks.

The level of brightness of the light used is usually very high. As such, eyes need to be protected using eyeglasses. After that, the area to be treated is applied with a cool gel. The gel acts as a coolant for the skin as well as a lubricant for the equipment used. The practitioner uses the handpiece to apply pulses of bright light briefly.

The whole face or just a section may be treated using this procedure. The total surface area being treated plays a role in the amount of time taken, which ranges from minutes to several hours. The equipment cause a warm sensation. After treatment, the face may be cooled by applying ice on it.

The level of damage sustained by the skin is very low. This shortens the recovery time. Some of the factors upon which recovery time is dependent include the skin condition being treated, number of pulses applied, surface area treated, and skin type. It takes a few hours after treatment for any side effects to go away in most patients.

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