How Tanning Lotions Accelerate Your Tan

By Haywood Hunter

In the salon and spa industry, clients are regularly offered the use of tanning lotions before stepping into an ultra violet bed or booth. Most salons have a wide selection to choose from. Brands will have some similar qualities, and some added benefits depending on their intended use.

Tanning lotions are hand-applied and most are intended for all-over use. Some cosmetic lines produce formulas that are safer than average for facial application. Whenever possible, it's a good idea to have two separate products for your face and body. Some facial formulas include gentler ingredients or firming qualities.

Lotions and oils are applied before stepping into a booth or bed. Regardless of brand, these generally contain moisturizers and ingredients that raise the amount of melanin in the top layer of skin. Some work by increasing blood flow to the skin, others increase melanin production itself. Since melanin is the color that creates a tan, this helps a tan set in more quickly and with more even coloring.

Tanning lotions intended to be used indoors feature ingredients that are not harmful to plastic. It is important to only use indoor products when there is a chance of the lotion coming in contact with a UV bed. Since spa beds especially come into repeated contact with clients every day, corrosive products would greatly shorten the life of the bed.

Many tanning lotions have a few things in common. Almost all have moisturizing features and a great scent. Some lines will have a bronzing formula, or a similar additional benefit to their use. People with sensitive skin may prefer a gentle blend, and others may want a stronger formula for faster results.

It is important not to confuse these tanning lotions with sunblock. Sunblock is intended to counter the harmful effects of sunlight by protecting the skin from UV damage. Tanning lotions or oils do exactly the opposite and increase the effect of lights on the body. In addition, using sunblock while in a bed or booth would counter its effects as well as potentially damage the quality of the machine, due to contact with the wrong kind of chemicals.

The lights found in UV beds or booths are not the same as natural sunlight. That is why it is necessary to have separate tanning lotions for each scenario. Indoor compounds may be ineffectual when used in natural lighting. Outdoor formulas may cause an unexpected reaction when used under the concentrated rays of a UV bed. For a handful of reasons, is best to be sure that the brands and formulas in use are being used appropriately.

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