The Unique Products Sun Lab Has To Offer

By Haywood Hunter

Sun Lab is a family-owned business engaged in the production of sunless self tanning products. This establishment was set up to cater for women who wanted to maintain a natural tan without being exposed to the sun. It is a market leader in the production and distribution of self tanning products.

A number of years ago, Gisela Hunter decided that she needed to help woman from all around the world. She then created Giesee. A company that would provide self-tanning products.

She developed her business around the concept that a large number of people, especially woman, needed skin-care solutions to avoid dangerous sunburns and other skin-related problems. She knew that she could create products that were advantageous to many people. With the help of experts, the Sun Lab self-tan lotions were formulated.

A large number of products were formulated by Sun Lab. Some were grouped together as a kit, while others were better sold on their own. The many products were all related to skin-tanning, and were developed to offer specific results.

The Sunless Tanning Spray from Sun Lab is a popular choice. It's convenient because it simply sprays onto the body. It is also very quick to absorb, and therefore you need not stand for hours waiting for it to dry.

Sun Lab Dark Tan n Roll is quickly absorbed as well, but is applied by a rolling action. All equipment needed for its application is included. It is a popular choice as it is very convenient to use.

A unique aspect regarding the Dark Roll n Tan product is that it can be used on hard-to-reach body parts. The reason for this is because it has a special extra part, or extension. This product allows for an even tan over your whole body that will remain intact for five days or longer.

The Sun Lab Sunless Very Dark self-tanning product is ideal for persons with a naturally darker skin tone. It produces a very dark effect that is perceived as golden, or dark brown. Dark Sunsation is its other name, which is quite fitting.

For a whole week, you can get a beautiful tan from the Self Tanning Ultra Dark lotion from Sun Lab. It is available for purchase online, and has a pump so that it is easy to use. The product is also well-known as Tan Overnight, and is every bit as convenient as its name suggests.

Sun Lab develops foam self-tanning products such as the Self Tanning Very Dark Foam. It is quite different to the usual creams available, but is starting to be well-liked as well. A good tan for ten days is the result of this foam.

Another product from Sun Lab is Self Tanning Dark Foam. Try this one for a medium to dark tan for up to a week. It is also simple to apply.

Sun Lab manufactures products that are very much sought after because of the satisfaction that many clients get from using them. They have continued to rank as the best in the self-tanning industry. Every so often, new products are released onto the market to complement the already existing ones.

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