When it is time for a break, people look forward to using there few days off on a real vacation in the sun and surf. Nothing tells others how great a vacation is more than the dark complexion from days on the beach. But as attractive as the notion of darker skin may be it is smart to invest in the best suntan lotion to prevent future health concerns.
There is a certain irony to the trend in the past 50 years towards tanning. For a long time having a tan was looked down upon as an indication one was a laborer that worked outside in the sun. As the standard of living improved, outdoor leisure activity began to be a much sought after lifestyle. The tan transformed into an indication of higher social status.
As with anything that becomes popular, people have a tendency to overdo it, and exposure to the powerful rays of the sun is not an exception, especially for those who do not use the best suntan lotion. Since grade school we have learned that sunlight helps in the process whereby the body produces vitamin D, but that requires only ten minutes of exposure a few times a week. One afternoon in the sun is much more than is required for the helpful effects to be garnered.
Sunburns can occur on unprotected children in less than a half hour; when playing at the seashore that seems like no time at all. The effect of sunlight is so gradual that many people do not realize the damage until hours after the exposure, unless it is severe. The less time one has had outside, the faster and more extreme the damage can be in a short period of time. This emphasizes the need to use the very best suntan lotion to help prevent this from happening.
The appearance of an increasingly wide variety of topical applications purported to protect for the damaging effects of exposure line store shelves, especially at vacation spots. This is a good thing as far as dermatologists are concerned, as long as the best suntan lotion is used correctly. This is the concern, as the correct application is 2.2 milligrams per square centimeter of exposed flesh, more than most people apply.
The understanding of the dermatological effects of sunlight has increased greatly. It is now the considered opinion that no cream or ointment can protect against all the ultraviolet radiation of a day at the beach. Chemists seek to produce the best suntan lotion in broad spectrum applications that help minimize the effects of UVA and UVB, which can substantially reduce the risk of dermatological damage.
The best way to protect oneself from damage due to exposure from the sun is to prevent the exposure. Aside from staying out of the sun or wearing covering clothing surface applications like the best suntan lotion are used. There are two main approaches, use chemicals to absorb light frequencies, or use agents that reflect or prevent the energy from reaching the surface. A dermatologist may recommend the best suntan lotion to apply.
Thanks to Hollywood and the mainstream media, a tanned, lean body is considered sexy and desirable. Unfortunately, constant tanning hastens the loss of collagen, and this loss results in more wrinkles at an earlier age. One alternative is to use spray on tans, but they never seem to look natural, so to get a tan safely, you will want the best suntan lotion available and work on the tan slowly.
There is a certain irony to the trend in the past 50 years towards tanning. For a long time having a tan was looked down upon as an indication one was a laborer that worked outside in the sun. As the standard of living improved, outdoor leisure activity began to be a much sought after lifestyle. The tan transformed into an indication of higher social status.
As with anything that becomes popular, people have a tendency to overdo it, and exposure to the powerful rays of the sun is not an exception, especially for those who do not use the best suntan lotion. Since grade school we have learned that sunlight helps in the process whereby the body produces vitamin D, but that requires only ten minutes of exposure a few times a week. One afternoon in the sun is much more than is required for the helpful effects to be garnered.
Sunburns can occur on unprotected children in less than a half hour; when playing at the seashore that seems like no time at all. The effect of sunlight is so gradual that many people do not realize the damage until hours after the exposure, unless it is severe. The less time one has had outside, the faster and more extreme the damage can be in a short period of time. This emphasizes the need to use the very best suntan lotion to help prevent this from happening.
The appearance of an increasingly wide variety of topical applications purported to protect for the damaging effects of exposure line store shelves, especially at vacation spots. This is a good thing as far as dermatologists are concerned, as long as the best suntan lotion is used correctly. This is the concern, as the correct application is 2.2 milligrams per square centimeter of exposed flesh, more than most people apply.
The understanding of the dermatological effects of sunlight has increased greatly. It is now the considered opinion that no cream or ointment can protect against all the ultraviolet radiation of a day at the beach. Chemists seek to produce the best suntan lotion in broad spectrum applications that help minimize the effects of UVA and UVB, which can substantially reduce the risk of dermatological damage.
The best way to protect oneself from damage due to exposure from the sun is to prevent the exposure. Aside from staying out of the sun or wearing covering clothing surface applications like the best suntan lotion are used. There are two main approaches, use chemicals to absorb light frequencies, or use agents that reflect or prevent the energy from reaching the surface. A dermatologist may recommend the best suntan lotion to apply.
Thanks to Hollywood and the mainstream media, a tanned, lean body is considered sexy and desirable. Unfortunately, constant tanning hastens the loss of collagen, and this loss results in more wrinkles at an earlier age. One alternative is to use spray on tans, but they never seem to look natural, so to get a tan safely, you will want the best suntan lotion available and work on the tan slowly.
About the Author:
If you are searching for information about the best self tanner, go to the web pages online here today. You can view details on how to tan by clicking on the links right now.