Procedures To Carry Out Before Applying Your Self Tanning Lotion

By Haywood Hunter

Choosing to have a sunless tan in the comfort of your own home is a smart move. It saves you from getting too much UV light and risking your health. It's also very convenient as you no longer have to visit a local salon. Prior to the application of a top-notch self tanning lotion, the skin has to be prepared. Doing so allows you to enjoy a long-lasting fake suntan that looks just like the real deal.

Clean your skin by taking a shower. The presence of dirt and grime prevents DHA in the indoor tanner from being fully absorbed. It is a good idea for you to step foot inside the shower at least 6 hours prior to the tanner's application for the attainment of an impressive result.

While in the shower, remove dead skin cells. Exfoliating beforehand is recommended because of two reasons. First, it keeps the end result from appearing patchy. Second, it makes the bronze color stay around longer. Using a loofah to polish the skin may be done. However, indoor tanning experts recommend the use of a body exfoliating gel made exclusively for fake suntan fanatics.

Get rid of excess body hair before obtaining a tan indoors. Applying the sunless tanner on hairy areas tends to cause patches to show up. You don't want this to happen as it can easily reveal that your tan is obtained indoors. No matter if you like to shave or wax, it's a good idea to carry out the procedure at least 24 hours before applying the tanner to let irritated skin to heal.

Refrain from using your favorite cosmetic products. Any chemical that sits on your skin's topmost layer can keep the tanner's DHA from being fully absorbed. Skip using moisturizing lotions, perfumes, deodorants, makeup and others for a really impressive result.

Spread a thin layer of moisturizing lotion on the knees, elbows and ankles. These very dry areas of the body tend to soak up more DHA than the rest. You want to keep this from happening because having darker skin tone in certain areas is not flattering. To attain an even outcome, apply your favorite moisturizer on dry parts before spreading your sunless tanner on them.

Preparing your skin is important each time you wish to tan indoors. This is the secret to the attainment of a fake sun-kissed glow that can impress. Certainly, applying the product as evenly as possible allows for a streak-free result.

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