7 Reasons Why Pro Bass Anglers Use A Spinning Grub

By Joshua Brown

If you have ever been to one of those large outdoor stores, you will attest that fishing gear, especially those used to throw bait, come in many different types. Each year, fishing gear keep improving thanks to technology. The present spinning grub has undergone impressive transformation to offer bass anglers more options. Keep reading to learn more about these spinners and how you can use them during your fishing expedition.

If you are fishing for the love of it, chances are you will go for the lighter lures. Not unless you are one of those billionaires who own a private bass angling yatch. For those who are not lucky enough, you are definitely going to have a hard time throwing those light baits farther in the water. When fishing from a limited circumference, you will be limited to the types of fish available in that section.

Enthusiasts of the bait casters can only tout better bait control when it comes to heavier lures. These usually weigh anything between half to one once. But when they have to cast a bait that is a sixteenth of an ounce, the touting suddenly stops. They will silently reach for the spinner combo. From the foregoing, it goes without say that nothing can beat this spinner tackle for weightless and lures.

The benefits of spinner gear go beyond their functionality with light and weightless baits. When you are angling in windy weather, coupled with the light weight of your lures, the experience can be very disappointing. However, you will only be disappointed if you followed the misleading advice of industry players who often dispute the effectiveness of spinner tackles. They are more effective under windy conditions.

While bass angling is a sport loved by many, there are those pro anglers who do it for the money. If you want to join this bandwagon and are not a professional yet, you may want to consider using spinner tackle. This is especially so, when skipping lures under the cover of low hangings like docks, and piers. It may take you hundreds of hours at least, to master the art of skip luring with bait-casting gear.

A lot of science goes into casting baits. Something known as pendulum effect often prevents lures from sinking down straight. This effect is much more prevalent with bait-casters that have the rotational spool. With a spinner reel, the line will uncoil more freely, hence encountering less resistance. You will find this quite useful when angling vertical cover like pilings or even tall vegetation growing in deep water.

Spinner grubs, among many other benefits, come with exclusive flexibility. It does not matter whether one is right or left handed as it is fully swappable. This means that you can have one and pass it down generations as opposed to bait-casters and other gear that are bought already dedicated to left or right handed users. You do not have to get stuck with gear that limits you on how you can use it.

If you thought bass angling is easy, wait until you battle with a fish. This requires a drag that can be easily accessed and adjusted. This makes spinner reels more effective for battling fish that do not want to give up the fight.

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