Learn More About Chiropractic Wellness From A Chiropractor Franklin MA Residents Trust

By Guy Lobdell

Chiropractic therapies are performed to address problems within both the nervous system and musculoskeletal system and to address the affects that various disorders can have on all-around well-being. People who have complaints pertaining to their neuromuscoloskeletal systems like joint, back or neck pain can get help from chiropractors.

What Chiropractic Wellness Is

Your body's nervous system controls the functioning of your cells, tissues and organs. So, it coordinates with all living cellular functions. The spinal column is in the center of it all, literally wrapped around the nervous system and in charge of protecting it. Because there is a symbiotic relationship, biomechanical and structural problems in the spine often aggravate areas of the encased nervous system. This can turn into an inflammation triggered by tissue injury, or it could be caused by mechanical pressure placed on the spine. In any case, the nervous system cannot function optimally if the inflammation slows down the cells, tissues and organs supplied by the impacted nerves.

The effect on your overall health is largely determined by the level of compromise that the nervous system experience. Correcting spinal alignment issues that are aggravating your nervous system can produce a favorable outcome for health issues, even if these do not appear to be directly related to your spine.

Spinal Adjustments Or Manipulation Therapies

You have likely heard about the most common method most chiropractors use to treat spinal misalignments. It's called spinal manipulation or chiropractic adjustment. The purpose of this procedure is restoration of mobility and pain relief. The chiropractor applies manual force into joints that have become restricted due to injury.

One-time accidents are sometimes the cause of tissue injuries like a heavy lifting event. Repetitive stress can cause tissue injuries as well, including maintaining improper posture or simply sitting in a position that's awkward for an extended amount of time. During the event that triggers these issues, tissue inflammation occurs, and this in turn causes pain and reduces a person's overall mobility. Once a chiropractor adjusts or manipulates the affected tissues and joints, however, you will start seeing improvements in your mobility and flexibility. That's because your body will be better able to heal itself after tightness and pain in your muscles have been alleviated.

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