What You Get From A Fotofacial Las Vegas

By Sandra Jones

As people get older, it is only natural that they want to fight any signs of aging. You can buy creams, serums and other treatments, but they do not always work, and those that do generally only work for a limited time. If you want a longer lasting solution to your aging issues, then a Fotofacial Las Vegas might be what you are looking for.

Ageing is just one of the reasons why your skin starts to look older. Even at a young age, you may start to look older if you have excessive sun exposure and do not wear sunscreen. Sometimes genetics play a part, and make your skin look dull or discolored. Still other people have visible blood vessels that have popped and are hard to cover up with makeup. You may also have rough patches that give your skin an uneven texture.

Fotofacials use a special light called intense pulsed light, also referred to as IPL. This light is an improved version of the IPL that has been used for quite awhile in anti ageing treatments, so you get better results.

The fact that you will need fewer sessions to see the same or better results than the older technology means less time in a dermatologist's office for you, and more time doing your own thing. The total amount of time you will need to see results will vary widely. It mostly depends on how many issues you want to work on, and how much of your face needs treatment. It could be five minutes to an hour.

After you go through a session, you will notice that your skin looks and feels much smoother. Any sun damage starts to lessen, and with multiple treatments can be reversed. Even other conditions such as rosacea or reddening of the skin is lessened, giving you a more youthful glow.

Many people do not think of cancer when they think of getting any kind of facial, but a fotofacial could help prevent cancer. If you have a condition called actinic keratoses, then you likely have rough and even scaly patches on your body. The IPL from a fotofacial can help stop AK from turning into cancer.

The doctor will use a cooling treatment of some kind before and after your sessions. This serves a few purposes. One is that a topical anesthetic is usually not needed, which means you can avoid using needles at all. Also, this helps you with healing, so you spend less time recovering.

Most women who get this treatment can put their makeup back on right after, and leave as if nothing had happened. Your doctor will likely ask that your makeup or moisturizer have SPF because you want to protect your skin from the sun.

Actually, you should be wearing sunscren on a regular basis already. If you do, then just continue your skincare routine as it is. If you are not already wearing sunscreen, you should definitely start, as the IPLs do make your skin more sensitive to the sun. Doing this and following any other doctor's orders ensures you will continue to have that youthful glow that you walked out of the office with.

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