Consume Green Tea For Speedier Weight Loss Marietta GA Fitness Professionals Say

By Robert Campbell

Currently, there are so many supplements on the market that promise to help consumers slim down. Unfortunately, not all of them are capable of providing results. Many of these products, more importantly, contain chemicals that may cause unfavorable side effects and even put a consumer's health in danger. For a safer all natural weight loss Marietta GA fitness experts recommend the intake of green tea on a daily basis.

It cannot be denied that one of the most revered beverages across the globe is green tea. It's something that obese or overweight individuals should love as well due to the fact that it can help in making excess kilos go away. Reasons why this healthy drink can cause the waistline to shrink are varied.

Such kind of tea contains a little caffeine that can stimulate your nervous system. This can cause your metabolism to run at a much faster rate. That's a good thing because your body becomes a calorie burning machine. A slow metabolic rate is something blamed by those who cannot slim down quickly. By having your metabolism accelerated with the help of caffeine, calories are used as fuel rather than stored as fat.

It's not just caffeine that makes this well loved drink very good at encouraging weight loss. There's another compound in it called epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG. If truth be told, it is an antioxidant. This is the reason why EGCG is known to offer an assortment of amazing health perks, from reduced risk of deadly cancer to controlled chronic inflammation.

According to fitness professionals EGCG also possesses amazing weight loss properties. It can impress since it's capable of inhibiting the creation of a type of enzyme that prevents the breaking down of fat molecules. So in other words, EGCG is a fat burner. This is precisely the reason why most fat burning products available on today's market have green tea extract in them. Their makers know very well that EGCG is an excellent zapper of fat.

Many people are quick to assume that eating a lot of food and not getting enough exercise are the only reasons for being obese or overweight. Actually, there are so many other things that can also be blamed for such. One of those is having a stressful life. That's because elevated stress hormones can cause the body to convert calories into fat in an attempt to protect the vital organs from being damaged. Unfortunately, the exact opposite is what happens.

Green tea actually has stress relieving properties. This is exactly the reason why its consumption can actually help a person slim down, in particular someone who is constantly stressed. By lowering the levels of stress hormones, the body can be kept from accumulating more fat than necessary.

Fitness authorities recommend the intake of 3 to 5 cups of the well loved beverage per day. However, you may have to drink a weaker brew if you are extremely sensitive to the effects of caffeine. It's important to note that you should still watch what you eat and also exercise on a regular basis.

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