Learning About The Dilemmas Of A Track And Field Athlete

By Brenda Olson

Sports give some relevance to the lives of humans. For those who cannot compete, it became their hobby to watch some games and make them entertained. For those who are aspiring athlete, it serves as their goal, their dream and their career in which they will live on. As you observed, the population of individuals who love sports still grows. You could observe it whenever there are tournaments and many people are attending to watch. Even fans tend to become noisy in social media sites to support their team or favorite athlete. Anyhow, do you aspire to become an athlete as well in greater Buffalo area indoor track and field?

Like mentioned above, most individuals have seen football, baseball, and other popular sports worldwide. They might argue about Ronaldo versus Messi. Or perhaps create their own fan chants. Nevertheless, most of their favorites are usually the well-known ones. Because it became overrated, some individuals might disregard the others like the track and field.

Have you heard about Usain Bolt? The one who was dubbed as the fastest human alive? Perhaps outside from America, other people will just tilt their head in confusion because they have no idea who was that. Furthermore, everyone knows that this guy is pretty iconic in this sport. Perhaps others might be shocked when they figure that Caitlyn Jenner, formerly known as Bruce Jenner, was an athlete and an Olympian as well in that sport.

You see, the problem here is that track and field had decreased its popularity. Some might say other sport-games overshadowed this. Others will say it has to do with the management and governance of the events. Fans became less motivated to support them. But what about those athletes? What are their concerns with this?

The sad thing here is that many people will certainly watch the meets during Olympics. Like almost only. Though Olympics allow the athletes to shine and bring more spotlight to track, it still is not enough. Plus, Olympics only happens every four years while track meets can be monthly.

Another one is their fan base. It is not that huge compared to other mainstream sports like football and basketball. So whenever there are audiences at the meets, it might just be their parents, their friends and some alumni. And only fewer fans who genuinely appreciate it watch.

They might become less motivated to run into their career. No pun intended there. Nevertheless, many individuals also think that track and field is just about running. But no, it actually involves throwing and jumping as well then competes who is the fastest, highest or farthest.

Its rules and regulations are easy to understand. Furthermore, it really can be entertaining to watch it as well. In addition, one must not disregard its history for this is actually one of the oldest sports and was created by the Ancient Greeks. No wonder that this is also an important event in Olympics.

They might be a runner who enjoys running which seems like punishment for others. They might be a thrower who is pretty confident or jumpers. These athletes play one sport and truly enjoy it.

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