Why Clean Your Own Boat When You Can Have Someone Else To Do It For You

By Virginia Moore

There are many things that people can derive enjoyment from. Some go mountain climbing and travel to distant places to view vistas. The elite in society has very expensive ways like cruising on a yacht with family and friends. Spending time at sea for recreational fishing or just on a pleasure cruise is exciting if one has a yacht. Cleaning it after every trip can easily be handled by Long Beach CA Boat Hull Cleaning.

Boats are generally watercraft that are considerably smaller than ships that ply the oceans as we know them. These types are not passenger liners and neither are they cargo or container ships. They range from the small speedboats to larger ones like yachts and catamarans. These are powered by gas fed motor engines or wind power via sails.

Watercraft have been around since the earliest civilizations. As large populations began to settle in river deltas, people began to be acquainted with floating implements simply because of the nearness of water. Lakes and rivers were good sources of fish and these were caught by the wayside. Eventually, some enterprising individual made rafts out of wood and reeds.

Also common during the old days were dugout canoes. These were large pieces of logs that were hollowed out to make it more buoyant and to accommodate individuals. These were mostly used in rivers and lakes as a platform for fishing or to travel one place to another by way of water. The size of this craft could only often accommodate two to three persons.

Sailing ships entered the scene when the wind was harnessed with the use of sails. Before this, the only means of propelling seacraft was by means of huge oars, layers of them in fact. This was for the bigger ships like the Greek trireme and the Viking longboat. The smaller ones made use of paddles to propel the craft from one place to another.

Sailing vessels reached its apex in terms of design and construction during the mid nineteenth century. This was right before the beginning of the industrial age. Sailing ships ruled the oceans and warring nations raised the level of perfection with three decked ship mounting several guns. Great sea battles were waged using these armed sailing ships.

Just like what happened in the Renaissance, the industrial age was a golden age of scientific discoveries and inventions. The arts and sciences made leaps and bounds ushering in new technologies. Foremost among these was the invention of engines, first the steam engine, then the internal combustion engine. Metallurgy also made great strides.

Modern seacrafts are mostly made of aluminum, the preferred element of boat builders. Like all metals, it is subject to oxidation which results in rust and corrosion. This is compounded even more in a salty air and water environment. The sea is also host to a lot of garbage and other floating materials that could stick on a hull causing additional drag.

A wash down is highly recommended after every use at sea. This will dissolve the salt crystals that accumulate on decks and cabins. The should be thoroughly hosed down and inspected. Sharp materials, grime, oil slicks, and other unwanted materials should be removed. You can do this personally if you have the time and equipment. The more practical way is having it serviced at a wash down facility.

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