Sporting Black Pride Fashionably With Sisterlocks

By Joseph Olson

The natural hair movement is spreading like wildfire through the world. Many sisters around the world are ditching perms and weaves in favor of their natural tresses. Sisterlocks have been selected as the style of choice for many women around the world who have decided to go natural. This widespread embracing of the Afro-textured hair is part of a broader move to celebrate individual and ethnic diversity and identities.

Locking is a long-term hairstyle in which strands of hair are fused together. This style comprises tiny locks created by stylists who weave an intricate design with their clients' hair. Many people prefer them to traditional locks which are created by rolling the hair between the palms of the hands and tend to be bigger.

Naturally though, this very technical process takes time for completion. A client getting these locks installed in his or her hair can expect to spend anywhere from one day to a few days in the stylist's chair. When more time is required, the stylist makes an assessment and breaks the job into parts. This means that the client ends up making multiple trips to the salon. But the masterpiece that results is worth the time and effort.

The hairstyle is sported by both genders even though it is more popular among females. The male version of the style is called brotherlocks and tends to feature locks that are a little bigger in size than the female option. Women in particular, gravitate towards the style because it means fewer trips to the salon to get styling treatments such as perms and maintenance sessions.

These tiny locked ropes of hair are fashionable and appealing due to their versatility. They can be styled easily without the need for the use of common styling tools such as a comb or a flat iron. They are swept into elegant up-dos or side-sweeps for fancy formal events such as weddings. They are tied into intricate buns for professional events or even casual scenes. Tutorials for the creation of these styles are available online so wearers can fix their hair without a trip to the stylist.

Color is another tool used to add versatility to this hairstyle, allowing the wearers to express their own individual tastes and fashion visions. Locks can be colored at the ends, throughout the full length of the strands or just in sections creating a pattern that makes the wearer stand out among others. Some wearers opt for a combination of colors.

The introduction of the hairstyle a few years ago triggered a high demand. Many stylists therefore reached out for training in the art of installing the locks. This is why the service is available in salons all around the world today.

These micro-sized locks are likely to remain current for many years to come. This hairstyle has been bringing confidence and versatility to curly textured people around the world for decades and the popularity doesn't seem to be fading at all. This is because, with these locks installed wearers can confidently sport a wide range of styles suitable for all settings.

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