How Do You Make Sure You're The Sort Of Santa Claus Charlotte NC Youngsters Will Believe In

By Edward Thomas

Kids look forward to the start of Christmas season. That means it won't be long before they get a visit from their favorite man in red. For many their first encounter with the jolly old elf is at the mall or the family Christmas party. Most kids remember these encounters with a great deal of fondness, and eventually pass the traditions on to their children. That's why it's so important to be the kind of Santa Claus Charlotte NC kids imagine.

All Santas should follow some basic guidelines. The most important is to remember that little kids may be small, but they aren't stupid. Underestimating a kid is always a mistake. It doesn't matter how young they are. Kids are not only smart, they're also observant. They already know how the real Santa acts, and will be quick to notice any discrepancies in your behavior.

You must remain in character at all times. Santas do not smoke. They do not drink, and they do not swear. If you think you'll be able to sneak a quick cigarette on your break at the mall appearance, forget about it. Kids have noses for the smell of smoke and alcohol. They might not be able to pinpoint exactly what the smell is, but they will be very certain it doesn't go with a real St. Nick.

Kids will notice when you don't look absolutely authentic. It is important to invest in a good red suit, boots, beard and wig. Kids are going to notice the elastic holding your beard in place and will comment on it in a voice that carries.

They'll point out even the smallest wisp of natural hair peeking out of your wig too. Dads, who get enlisted to play Santas, have to be sure to take off their watches and wedding rings. Otherwise their eagle-eyed kids will realize who they really are in a split second.

You have to be ready to answer every question imaginable. Before you accept your first job, you have to do a lot of research and reading. Kids are going to ask you where your reindeer are, why you're so fat, and how you get all the way around the world in one night. You can't hesitate or you will quickly see suspicion growing in the child's eyes. Kids will accept a lot of answers. It doesn't matter what you say so much as how confidently and quickly you say it.

If you're hired to perform at a private party, coordinate with the parents before you get there. If the party is small, ask the parents the children's names and something about each of them. The kids will love the fact that you know who they are. It won't matter if you are reading from your Santa's list. That should make perfect sense to them.

At private events, Santas should enter and exit alone. You want to make a splashy entrance to get the party started. Even if you can't manage exiting through the chimney, leaving by yourself will make it possible for you to rattle the reindeer bells outside the door.

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