Logistics And Considerations For A Burial At Sea

By Frank Martin

In a sense, the ocean can be deemed as the largest cemetery. Since time immemorial, it has served as a hallowed ground and final resting place for those who choose it. If this idea is appealing to you or a loved one, you might have thought of doing a Burial At Sea Florida Ocean.

All in all, this course may be viewed as schmaltzy and romantic, but one mustnt count the eggs before theyve hatched. After all, all the requirements and logistics may steamroll the best of your intentions and preclude whatever plans you have set. Therefore, it would serve you well to delve into all the particularities before you get to engage in the possibilities.

There are all the licenses to comply with and source for this matter. First of all, one should make sure that the coffin is manufactured correctly, with no toxic materials at the linings and preferably built of softwood and bored with holes. Burial shrouds are a nifty alternative, that which are designed to be affordable, presentable, and environmentally safe options. It is in the traditional shape of a casket, and may be zipped open for viewing and is even tailored with a memory pouch. It is weighted with conventional cannonballs on all four corners. Its material, that of durable organic cotton, ensures that it completely biodegrades within six months or less.

A death certificate should also be submitted, as well as a certificate of clearance from fever and infection. The last may be asked from a hospital doctor or general practitioner. This is to ensure that whatever contagion doesnt flow with the oceans indefatigable currents. Also, the body must be lightly dressed and not embalmed, so that it decomposes relatively easily.

Now, this has become some kind of ingrained tradition. Active duty members and retirees still choose to bring their affinity to the sea at full circle and join in with their honored dead. Other marine personnel and honorably discharged veterans, and also the family members of all the above, can likewise partake in this favor.

That said, you will have to supply the exact coordinates on the exact site you or family member would like to be interred. It must comply with the above requirements, where the body has minimal risk of disturbing and beign disturbed. However, this is sometimes assumed or else taken as a matter of course, which is why it is sometimes required for bodies to have identification tags attached.

However, although less stringent and exclusive, the world is also more regularized. Therefore, certain regulations are upheld the whole world over, and licenses, certifications, and permits are up for the taking. Some such particularities include that the burial must be held at the high seas, accordingly deeper than two thousand feet and at least three nautical miles from land. The numbers actually differ by country, and are upheld by respective organizations such as environmental protection agencies.

The burial should be organized and carried out by a reliable funeral home with all the necessary certifications and papers. In this regard, you may rest assured that the captain or director has gone through a licensed training program and is accordingly well versed with all the logistics and particularities. These include the laws, rules, regulations, methods, and safety considerations, and some such.

There are year round services for this occasion. Its only natural that one delicately and properly plans this considerable rite of passage. After all, according to the popular philosophy, death is but the next great adventure.

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